Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano
(Jefferson Lab)
10/8/18, 12:00 PM
Nb thin film technology
With the development of energetic vacuum deposition techniques, high quality Nb films have been produced supporting the promise of high RF performance. In energetic condensation, the controlled incoming ion energy enables a number of processes such as desorption of adsorbed species, enhanced mobility of surface atoms and sub-implantation of impinging ions, thus producing improved film...
Vanessa Andreina Garcia Diaz
10/8/18, 12:25 PM
Nb thin film technology
Thick films shows the possibility to obtain a mitigation of a Q-slope in Nb on Cu superconductive resonant cavities. In the framework of EASITrain project and CERN-INFN-STFC collaboration, the multilayer technique was applied in order to deposit a 70-microns thick film of Niobium onto 6 GHz seamless copper cavities. In this contribution, we report the results and challenges of the RF...
Fabio Avino
10/8/18, 12:50 PM
Nb thin film technology
The Wide Open Waveguide (WOW) Crab cavity [1] has been designed in the framework of the Future Circular Collider study. It features a thin Nb film sputtered on bulk copper [2]. The main advantages with respect to bulk Nb include the improved thermal stability, and the reduction of the cavity frequency sensitivity to the external liquid He bath pressure variations as well as to the Lorentz...