Oct 8 – 10, 2018
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The 8th International Workshop on "Thin films applied to Superconducting RF: Pushing the limits of RF Superconductivity" will be held the Legnaro National Laboratories of the INFN, Legnaro (Padova), ITALY, from October 8 to 10, 2018. The workshop format will be composed of oral contributions and panel discussions.

The abstract submission will be open from Friday, June 15, 2018. The deadline for submitting your abstract is September 23, 2018.

Abstract format:
The total length of the abstract including spaces is limited to 1500 characters. Title, author list and affiliations are provided separately.

Corresponding author:
The abstract submission does not require registration or authentication. Please take care to check the single corresponding author name and e-mail address.

Acceptance notification:
Acceptance notifications with an oral presentation guide will be sent to the submitters no later than Friday, September 14, 2018.
Please note that you will receive a confirmation email regarding your submission within a week of your abstract submission.
Should you not receive such a confirmation email, please send an e-mail to thinfilms@lnl.infn.it with subject "TFSRF2018 Abstract submission failed".

Workshop topics
Contributions are solicited for this event describing work relevant and significant in the development of superconducting thin film and structures applied to SRF and related fields.

  When submitting your abstract, please choose from one of the following topics:  

  • Perspective of thin film cavities in international projects
  • Theoretical modelling of RF behavior (Q-drop mechanism in thin films, SRF performance enhancement with mono- and multilayered superconductors)
  • Nb thin film technology: energetic condensation from highly ionized plasmas (HiPIMS, vacuum arc dposition, ECR plasma deposition …) and conventional PVD
  • CVD and ALD for SRF materials
  • Other superconducting materials beyond niobium: NbN, NbTiN, Nb3Sn, MgB2 and other high-Tc superconductors (oxypnictides,  FeSe monolayer…)
  • Advanced preparation of substrates and atmospheric plasmas
  • Advances in cavity substrate fabrication (electroplating, seamless cavities, 3D-manufacturing…)
  • RF and material characterization for SRF films
  • Superconducting films beyond SRF

The call for abstracts is closed.