22–26 Jul 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Superconducting single photon detectors integrated on crystalline silicon carbide

23 Jul 2019, 11:15
Auditorium G. Testori (Milano)

Auditorium G. Testori


Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1, 20124 Milano MI
Oral Presentation Low Temperature Detector for quantum technologies and other frontiers Orals LM 005


Dr Francesco Martini (CNR-IFN)


Silicon carbide (SiC) is among the most promising optical material for the realization of classical and quantum photonics, due to the simultaneous presence of quantum emitters and a non-centrosymmetric crystal structure. In recent years, progress have been made in the development of SiC integrated optical components making this a mature platform for the implementation of quantum experiments on chip. Toward this scope, the realization of a single photon detector that can be implemented on top of a photonic circuit is essential to achieve a monolithic integration of all the fundamental building blocks required for photonic quantum technologies. Thanks to a new measurement approach that makes use of two alignment mirrors and a single-mode fiber array , here we characterize electro-optically SNSPDs realized on top of 3C SiC using NbN deposited by DC magnetron sputtering. This alignment approach allows the testing of multiple SNSPDs fabricated on top of less fabrication-friendly materials, without the use of expensive and bulky cryogenic positioners. The 3x3 (µm)^2 active area of the realized SNSPD allowed a quasi-saturated detection efficiency at telecom wavelengths at the operating temperature of 2.9K, meaning that high detection efficiency can be obtained by the engineering of the optical system. This is a further step towards the realization of photonic circuit using SiC as monolithic platform for large quantum experiments, interfacing solid-state emitters, reconfigurable linear component and efficient single photon detectors.

Student (Ph.D., M.Sc. or B.Sc.) N
Less than 5 years of experience since completion of Ph.D Y

Primary author

Dr Francesco Martini (CNR-IFN)


Dr Alessandro Gaggero (CNR-IFN) Dr Mattioli Francesco (CNR-IFN) Dr Roberto Leoni (CNR-IFN)

Presentation materials