Jul 22 – 26, 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Noise temperature measurements for Axion haloscope experiment at CAPP

Jul 25, 2019, 5:45 PM
1h 15m
Piazza Città di Lombardia (Milano)

Piazza Città di Lombardia


Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1, 20124 Milano MI
Poster Low Temperature Detector Applications Poster session


Dr Elena Sala (IBS/CAPP)


The axion is an excellent dark matter candidate motivated by the Peccei-Quinn solution to the strong-CP problem.The research group of the Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP) of the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Korea is searching for axion dark matter through several haloscopes experiments.  The method, suggested by Prof. P. Sikivie, exploits the axion conversion in microwave photons, via the inverse Primakoff process, using a high-quality microwave cavity permeated by a strong magnetic field. By properly tuning the resonant frequency of the cavity over a certain interval it is possible to cover axion masses in the range of interest. One critical parameter for detecting the feeble signal due to the interaction of an axion is the noise level, which is also responsible for the main source of background in such experiment. To maintain the thermal noise as low as possible, the entire system works at cryogenic temperatures, from 4 K to 50 mK.The latest results obtained in the optimization and characterization phase of these parameters to enhance the experimental sensitivity will be discussed in this contribution.

Student (Ph.D., M.Sc. or B.Sc.) N
Less than 5 years of experience since completion of Ph.D N

Primary authors

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