23–28 set 2018
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Advanced Instrumentation for Laser-Driven Acceleration Experiments

26 set 2018, 11:20


Prof. Alberto Fazzi (Politecnico di Milano and INFN-MI)


In laser-driven ion-acceleration experiments the interaction of the ultra-intense laser beam (in the order of 1020 W/cm2) with the solid target produces an extremely intense emission of radiation with a broad spectrum. The occurrence of such an emission, sometimes named EMP-electromagnetic pulse-, traditionally prevents the implementation of active devices for ion beam diagnostics in the interaction chamber or even in the close proximity. The presentation reports on the progress in the advanced instrumentation developed for the L3IA experiment.

Autore principale

Prof. Alberto Fazzi (Politecnico di Milano and INFN-MI)


Dr. Dario Giove (INFN-MI) Dr. Giancarlo Maero (Phys. Dept. UNIMI and INFN-MI) Dr. Massimiliano Romè (Phys. Dept. UNIMI and INFN-MI) Prof. Vincenzo Nassisi (Phys. Dept., UNILE and INFN-LE)

Materiali di presentazione