Alexander Shchagin
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)
Pyroelectric Undulator
A.V. Shchagin
Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, 308015, Russia
Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkov 61108, Ukraine
The electric undulator for production of radiation was first proposed in [1]. However, magnetic undulators were developed in further researches [2]. More recently, pyroelectric source of strong electric field was developed. The pyroelectric deflectors of non-relativistic [3] and relativistic [4] electron beams were studied experimentally. In the present paper, the electric undulator based on pyroelectric elements is proposed. The pyroelectric undulator operates in vacuum without any outer high voltage power supply due to heating or cooling of pyroelectric elements. The main properties of the pyroelectric undulator are considered in linear approximation.
The research was supported by a program of the ministry of education and science of The Russian Federation for higher education establishments, project №14.578.21.0192 (RFMEFI57816X0192).
1. V.L. Ginzburg. On The Emission Of Microwaves And Their Absorption In The Air. The Preceding of Academy of Sciences of USSR 11.2 (1947) 165-182.
2. D.F. Alferov, Yu.A. Bashmakov, P.A. Cherenkov. Physics-Uspekhi, 32 (1989) 200-227.
3. A.N. Oleinik, A.S. Kubankin, R.M. Nazhmudinov, K.A. Vokhmyanina, A.V. Shchagin, P.V. Karataev. Pyroelectric deflector of charged particle beam. JINST 11 (2016) P08007.
4. O. Ivashchuk, I. Kishin, A. Kubankin, A. Oleinik, A. Shchagin, V.I. Alekseev, A.N. Eliseyev. Pyroelectric deflector of 7 MeV electron beam, the paper in present conference.
Primary author
Alexander Shchagin
(Kharkov Institute of Physics and Tecknology)