23–28 Sept 2018
Europe/Rome timezone

Charge Radiation in the Presence of Conical and Prismatic Dielectric Objects: Far-Field Area

25 Sept 2018, 09:45


Prof. Andrey Tyukhtin (Saint Petersburg State University)


We analyze radiation of charges moving in presence of some dielectric targets. The first of them is a cone with vacuum channel where the charge moves. The second is a prism (the charge moves along one of its borders). We use the “aperture method” developed in our previous works. Here the main attention is given to the far-field area. Analytical and numerical results are shown and main physical effects are described (in particular, the phenomenon of “Cherenkov spotlight” for the cone target). Prospects of use of aperture technique for other objects are discussed as well.

Primary author

Prof. Andrey Tyukhtin (Saint Petersburg State University)


Mrs Ekaterina Belonogaya (Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”) Dr Sergey Galyamin (Saint Petersburg State University) Dr Viktor Vorobev (Saint Petersburg State University)

Presentation materials