A limited number of grants are available. They cover fee and accommodation expenses only. No support for travel expenses is available.
Participants are recommended to bring their own laptop. A virtual machine with Linux-CentOS and a ready-to-use Geant4 installation will be provided in the next weeks, together with the installation instructions. The virtual machine can be run by using VirtualBox, a free software available for MacOS, Windows and some flavours of Linux: it can be downloaded from https://www.virtualbox.org.Link to the virtual machine (VirtualBox compatible) http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/CentOS_INFN_Geant4.zip Link to the VirtualBox software https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Link to the tasks http://geant4.lngs.infn.it/alghero2018/introduction/
Link to the Geant4 application in medical diagnostic energy range Link to the test
Basic knowledge of the C++ computing language and a private laptop. A ready-for-the-use Virtual Machine (CentOs7) has been prepared and can be downloaded from this link. (8 GB). The VM includes a working installation of Geant4 10.4, compiled with a few commonly-used graphical drivers, of ROOT (and more). Once the VM is unpacked (total size about 20 GB), it can be run by using VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a freeware software available for MacOS, Windows and some flavours of Linux: it can be downloaded from https://www.virtualbox.org. The credentials to access the VM are user/user (administrator is root/infn2018, to be used with care). All students are invited to download the VM well before the course and to give it a try. A local instance of the VM will be provided as a last-chance solution, for students having a Linux laptop not compatible with VirtualBox.