23 ottobre 2017
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Public presentation of CUORE in Fermi lecture hall at LNGS:
12:00 Scientific seminar: CUORE results
14:00 Registration & welcome
14:30 Stefano Ragazzi (INFN-LNGS) Welcome address by LNGS Director
14:40 Fernando Ferroni (INFN) Address by the President of INFN
14:50 Jehanne Gillo (DOE) Address by the Director of Facilities and Project Management Division, Office of Nuclear Physics, DOE
15:00 Allena K. Opper (NSF) Address by the Program Director of Experimental Nuclear Physics, NSF
15:10 Oliviero Cremonesi (INFN Milano Bicocca) The CUORE science program
15:30 Carlo Bucci (INFN-LNGS) The construction of CUORE
15:50 Yury Kolomensky (University of California Berkeley) Looking ahead
16:05 Ettore Fiorini (University of Milano Bicocca) A dream become reality

Inauguration ceremony:
16:45 Buses depart to underground laboratory
17:15 - 19:00 Inauguration ceremony
Tour of LNGS underground laboratory and of the CUORE experiment
20:30 Dinner