19–22 Mar 2018
Galileo Galilei Institute
Europe/Rome timezone
The workshop is concluded, we thanks all participants and collaborators.

Phase diagram of rotating QCD matter

21 Mar 2018, 16:50
Galileo Galilei Institute

Galileo Galilei Institute

Largo Enrico Fermi,2 I-50125 FIRENZE (Italy) Telephone: +39 055 275 5255 <a href="https://www.ggi.infn.it/">Web page</a>


Dr xinyang wang (IHEP, Beijing)


Understanding of QCD matter under extreme rapidly rotation is a puzzle and a hot topic in physics because of the applications in many physical environments. The typical off-central heavy ion collisions experiment create a nonzero angular momentum QCD matter. In this talk, I will discuss the QCD phase diagram and respective chiral critical end point of rotating QCD matter by using 2 flavor NJL model with considering vector interaction. The angular velocity \omega is using as a third dimension on the QCD phase diagram, and the new phase transition on temperature angular-velocity plane at certain chemical potential will be systemically discussed. An overall picture of chiral phase transition in a 3-D frame will be represented in the final.

Primary author

Dr xinyang wang (IHEP, Beijing)


Prof. Mei Huang (IHEP, Beijing)

Presentation materials