Second Bulletin
Dear Colleagues,we would like to thank you all for your interest in participating in the 4th edition of the Workshop on Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field in Heavy Ion Collisions to be held at the GGI (, Florence, Italy, from March 19th to March 22nd 2018.
Registration and abstract submission are now closed and you will find soon a preliminary agenda in the web page:
We would kindly ask you to check the time of your presentation and let us know of any problem related to your travel schedule.
As you know, Florence is a well known touristic attraction wordlwide and we thus recommend to book your accommodation as soon as possible. A list of GGI nearby hotels is linked to the above website.
We also remind that the registration fee is 100 Euros, to be payed cash upon arrival; INFN staff or associated members will pay through internal INFN transfer. Those who have requested local support will be notified very soon about accommodation and registration fee waiving.
The Local Organizing Committee
Francesco Becattini
Francesco Bigazzi
Matteo Buzzegoli
Aldo Cotrone