First Bulletin
Dear Colleagues,it is our pleasure to announce that the fourth edition of the Workshop on Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field in Heavy Ion Collisions will be held at the GGI (, Florence, Italy, from March 19th to March 22nd 2018.
The workshop - whose previous editions were held at UCLA - aims at bringing together theorists and experimentalists in the community who are interested in the conference topics as well as potential newcomers to discuss the status of the field, open questions and foster new collaborations.
The scientific program will cover three full days (Monday-Wednesday) and one morning session on Thursday 22nd.
The website is now open for registration.
Attendance is limited to 70 participants.
The registration fee is 100 Euros, to be paid cash upon arrival; INFN staff or associated members will pay through internal INFN transfer.
Local support shall be provided for a limited number of young participants.
We would be grateful if you could forward this announcement to your colleagues and potentially interested ones.
The Local Organizing Committee
Francesco Becattini
Francesco Bigazzi
Matteo Buzzegoli
Aldo Cotrone