The symposium will be dedicated to the memory of Roberto Petronzio. Talks about his carrier and scientific work will be given by his colleagues together with recollections from his friends and collaborators.
--------------Tuesday 13 June 2017-----------------------------------------
Registration (09:00-09:30)--
Opening Talk from the Rector of the University of Roma Tor Vergata, Prof. G.Novelli (09:30-10:00)--
Talk by the INFN President, Prof. F. Ferroni
Coffee Break
Roberto and the Electroweak interactions , Prof. MAIANI Luciano (11:00-11:30)--
Roberto and the QCD, Prof. PARISI Giorgio
Justifying the QCD parton model, Prof. VENEZIANO Gabriele
(12:00-12:30) -----
A journey with Roberto in lattice QCD, Prof. LUESCHER Martin (12:30-13:00)--
Lunch Break
My collaboration with Roberto, Prof. MASIERO Antonio
Roberto and the Theory Group at Tor Vergata , Prof. SAGNOTTI Augusto
Tea Break
Memory and recollections -
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