Detectors THz and sub-THz
- Paolo Valente (ROMA1)
Detectors THz and sub-THz
- Augusto Marcelli (LNF)
Michele Caselle
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
06/04/2017, 09:40
The ANKA storage ring can generate brilliant coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) in the THz range due to a dedicated low-αc -optics with reduced bunch lengths. At higher electron currents the emission of CSR is not stable, but occurs in powerful bursts caused by micro-bunching instabilities. This intense THz radiation is very attractive for users. However, the reproducibility of the...
Jose' Guillermo Garcia Lorenzana
06/04/2017, 10:05
I will present the SIMAP project proposal conceived within a collaboration among researchers from the INFN-cryogenic detectors laboratory, the ISC-CNR, IFN-CNR, and the Sapienza physics department. The aim of the project is to realize a prototype KID based on a high-Tc superconductor with the aim of lowering the operational costs for commercial applications in fields as medicine, astronomy,...
Daniele Di Gioacchino
06/04/2017, 14:00
D. Di Gioacchino, C. Gatti, A. Marcelli, S. Lupi, M. Lankhorst and N. Poccia
We recently assembled a nanometric pattern of niobium islands as a controllable regular fluxon-array used to investigate the phase transitions of stable and metastable states (vortex insulator-vortex metal state) in competing regular vortex configurations [1].
This system shows the evidence of Shapiro steps at...
Roberto Leoni
(Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie, CNR)
06/04/2017, 14:25
Si mostreranno i risultati ottenuti nello sviluppo di rivelatori superconduttori selettivi in frequenza che operano a frequenze THz. Il nostro approccio prevede l’integrazione di un hot electron bolometer (HEB), realizzato con un layer ultra sottile di nitruro di niobio (NbN) (3-5 nm), con un risonatore LC . Come è noto, il nitruro di niobio è il materiale di riferimento per la fabbricazione...
Alessandro Paiella
(Sapienza and ROMA1)
06/04/2017, 14:50
In this contribution, we are going to show the design and the electrical performance of the horn-coupled lumped element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) for the OLIMPO experiment. OLIMPO is a balloon borne mission, devoted to the study of the largest structures in the Universe, by detecting the Sunyaev-Zel’Dovich effect of the Comsic Microwave Background (CMB) photons crossing clusters of...