- Dieter FREKERS (Univ. Muenster)
- Alexei Smirnov (Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
- Valerio Pirronello (CT)
- Manfred Lindner (MAX-PLANCK-INSTITUT)
- Francesco Iachello (Yale University)
- Ofer Lahav
- Antonio Masiero (PD)
- Elena Aprile (Columbia University)
- Emilio Migneco (LNS)
- Horst Lenske (Univ. Giessen)
- Antonio Insolia (CT)
- Hiro Ejiri (RCNP Osaka University)
- Giacomo Cuttone (LNS)
Francesco Iachello
(Yale University)
16/10/2017, 09:00
In this presentation, after a brief historical introduction, I will review the progress made in the last few years in theoretical approaches to the open questions of 1. What is the absolute mass scale of neutrinos 2. Are neutrinos Dirac or Majorana particles [1] 3. How many neutrino species are there After briefly discussing single beta decay and single electron capture as a way to...
Hiro Ejiri
(RCNP Osaka University)
16/10/2017, 09:30
Recent experimental studies are reviewed on neutrino nuclear responses (square of nuclear matrix element NME) for double beta decays and astro neutrino interactions.The NMEs are re-normalized (quenched) by nucleonic and non-nucleonic correlations. The experimental studies to be discussed include single and double charge exchange reactions, muon capture reactions, photo-nuclear reactions and so...
Fedor Simkovic
(Comenius University and JINR Dubna)
16/10/2017, 10:00
The recent progress in theoretical description of the 0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ-decay is shortly reviewed. The 0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ-decay with the inclusion of the right-handed leptonic and hadronic currents and by assuming exchange of both light and heavy neutrinos is revisited. The possibility to discriminate between different 0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ-decay mechanisms by using data on 0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ-decay half-lives of different nuclei is addressed. Subject...
Francesco Lorenzo Villante
16/10/2017, 10:30
I will review the physics of solar neutrino oscillations, the information
which can be extracted on neutrino properties and the role of solar
neutrinos in the studies of the properties of the Sun. I will then focus
on the solar composition problem and on the role of future CNO neutrino
measurements for an assessment of its solution
Michael Smy
(University of California, Irvine)
16/10/2017, 11:30
8B solar neutrino measurements from SNO and Super-Kamiokande have clearly demonstrated solar neutrino flavor conversion and determined neutrino oscillation parameters driving this conversion. Current studies at Super-Kamiokande test crucial predictions of the solar neutrino oscillation paradigm such as the transition from conversion driven by the solar electron density to vacuum oscillations...
Horst Lenske
(Univ. Giessen)
16/10/2017, 12:00
In a new theoretical approach, it is shown that heavy ion charge exchange reactions are appropriate for probing nuclear response functions of the same type as encountered in single and double beta decay. In particular, a special class of nuclear double charge exchange (DCE) reactions proceeding as a one-step reaction through a two-body process are shown to involve nuclear matrix elements of...
Manfred Lindner
16/10/2017, 12:30
The CONUS detector aims at measuring coherent scattering of reactor
antineutrinos. Details of the detector setup, its status and schedule will
be presented. The physics potential of this detector alone, in combination
with others and with up-scaled versions will be discussed.
Ofer Lahav
(University College London, UK)
16/10/2017, 16:20
We review the prospects to measure the neutrino mass and other properties from cosmological wide-field surveys, including DES, DESI, Euclid, LSST and SKA.ย
The talk will focus on how to control systematics and parameter degeneracy, as well as on how to combine cosmological data with terrestrial neutrino experiments.
Fedor Danevich
(CSNSM, Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS/IN2P3, Univ. Paris-Saclay)
16/10/2017, 16:50
Crystal scintillators possess certain advantages for investigations of rare alpha, beta and double beta decays thanks to presence of the element of interest in the crystal scintillator compound, that provides almost 100% detection efficiency to the effect searched for. High sensitivity double beta experiments with 116Cd and 106Cd were realized (in progress) with enriched cadmium tungstate...
Gregory Potel Aguilar
(Michigan State University)
16/10/2017, 17:20
The evaluation of nuclear matrix elements is one of the cornerstones of the theoretical description of neutrinoless double beta decay rates. Unfortunately, different state-of-the-art structure calculations show very different results when computing them. Nucleon-nucleon pairing correlations are essential ingredient, it is thus important to devise experimental probes sensitive to the relevant...
Jouni Suhonen
(University of Jyvรคskylรค)
17/10/2017, 09:00
We still do not know if the neutrino is a Majorana or a Dirac particle, i.e. if the neutrino is its own antiparticle or not. Also the absolute mass scale of the neutrino is unknown, only the relative scale is known from the neutrino-oscillation experiments. These unknown features of the neutrino can be tackled by experiments trying to detect the neutrinoless double beta (0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ) decay. The rate...
Giorgio Gratta
(Stanford University, Physics Dept)
17/10/2017, 09:30
EXO-200 was the first 100kg-class double-beta decay detector to start data taking in 2011.ย The goals of the experiment are to search for Majorana neutrinos and lepton number violation with unprecedented sensitivity and to serve as a prototype to test what was then an entirely new technology to be used in a multi-ton experiment.ย I will report on the results from EXO-200, which is still taking...
Francesco Vissani
17/10/2017, 10:00
In this talk, the importance of the so called "neutrinoless double beta decay" transition in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model is emphasized. The expectations for the transition rate are examined in the assumption that ordinary neutrinos have Majorana masses. We stress the relevance of cosmological measurements and discuss the uncertainties implied by nuclear physics. Work ...
Christian Weinheimer
(University of Muenster, Institut fuer Kernphysik)
17/10/2017, 10:30
The next generation direct neutrino mass experiment KATRIN, the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment will improve the best limit from the tritium beta decay experiments at Mainz and Troitsk of 2 eV by one order of magnitude to 200 meV probing the region relevant for structure formation in the universe and to distinguish hierarchical from quasi-degenerate neutrino mass scenarios. In addition...
Angelo Enrico Lodovico Nucciotti
17/10/2017, 11:30
The assessment of the neutrino absolute mass scale is still a crucial challenge in today particle physics and cosmology. Beta or electron capture spectrum end-point study is currently the only experimental method which can provide a model independent measurement of the absolute scale of neutrino mass. HOLMES is an experiment to directly measure the neutrino mass by performing a calorimetric...
Elena Aprile
(Columbia University)
17/10/2017, 12:00
Astrophysical observations at all scales provide indisputable evidence for the existence of an invisible and dominant mass component in the observable universe. The nature of this dark matter remains one of the greatest challenges of modern physics. The leading hypothesis is that dark matter is made of new elementary particles, with a vast range of masses and interaction cross-sections with...
Taka Kajino
(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, The University of Tokyo)
17/10/2017, 12:30
Core-collapse supernovae (both magneto-hydrodynamic jet supernovae; MHD Jet-SNe, and
neutrino-driven wind supernovae; n-SNe), and binary neutron-star mergers (NSMs) are viable
astrophysical sites for r-process elements [1]. The MHD Jet-SNe explain the โuniversalityโ in the
observed abundance pattern in metal poor stars, while NSMs could not contribute to the early Galaxy
for cosmologically...
Jose Barea
(Universidad de Concepciรณn)
17/10/2017, 16:20
We introduce the Interacting Boson Model briefly and its
connection with the Shell Model. The calculation of double beta decay
matrix elements using this model is explained and some features which
affect them are noted, as for instance the single particle energies.
Gioacchino Ranucci
17/10/2017, 16:50
The JUNO Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory, a 20 kton multi-purpose underground liquid scintillator detector, has been proposed and approved for realization in the south of China. After an intense design phase, the overall concept of the structure of the detector has been finalized, paving the way towards the construction of the several components and subsystems, which will compose it....
Kentaro Yako
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
17/10/2017, 17:20
Variety of spin and isospin responses is among the most interesting features in atomic nuclei. For the spin-isospin response, the Gamow-Teller (GT) transition is the simplest within one-phonon excitations, and it has been well studied. In contrast, data on multi-phonon excitations have been scarce. The double GT giant resonance (DGTGR) is the simplest two-phonon excitation mode in spin-isospin...
Klaus Blaum
(Max-Planck-Institut fรผr Kernphysik)
18/10/2017, 09:00
The mass of the nucleus reflects the total energy of this many-body system and thus is a key property for a variety of nuclear structure and fundamental investigations. Penning-trap mass spectrometry has pushed in recent years the limits of sensitivity, resolution and accuracy tremendously. This has not only allowed to access exotic species very far from the valley of beta-stability but also...
Sandra Zavatarelli
18/10/2017, 09:30
The Borexino experiment is running at the โLaboratori Nazionali del Gran Sassoโ in Italy and in May 2017 it has reached the remarkable milestone of 10 years of data taking.
The physics sectors on which Borexino has provided fundamental information or is preparing to contribute are the solar neutrino physics, geo-neutrinos, rare process detection and sterile neutrinos.
The study of low...
Oliviero Cremonesi
18/10/2017, 10:00
130Te is one of the best candidates for the experimental search of neutrinoless double-beta decay. Thanks to its exceptionally large natural isotopic abundance 130Te represents the only isotope for which theย use of isotopic enrichment is practically not indispensable. Furthermore pure tellurium metal can be procured in large amounts and radio-pure crystals of tellurium compounds are...
Attila Krasznahorkay
(Inst. of Nucl. Res. of the Hung. Acad. of Sci. (ATOMKI), Head, Division of Nuclear Physics)
18/10/2017, 11:00
A.J. Krasznahorkay, M. Csatlรณs, L. Csige, J. Gulyรกs, M. Hunyadi, I. Kuti, ร. Nagy, B.M. Nyakรณ,
N. Sas, J. Timรกr, I. Vajda
Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, MTA Atomki
T.J. Ketel
Nikhef National Inst. for Subatomic Physics, Science Park 105, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A. Krasznahorkay
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Rare nuclear decays are a promising...
Ruben Saakyan
(University College London)
18/10/2017, 11:30
Neutrinoless double beta decay (0vbb) is the only practical way to understand the neutrino nature (Dirac or Majorana particle) and to observe full lepton number violation required by most beyond the standard model theories. It may also turn out to be the only way to measure the absolute neutrino mass in the laboratory environment.
The main goal of the SuperNEMO experiment is to search for...
Amand Faessler
(University of tuebingen)
18/10/2017, 12:00
Amand Faessler, Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Tuebingen, Germany.
The atomic pair 163Ho and 163Dy seems due to the small Q value
of 2.8 (+- 0.08) keV the best case to determine the neutrino mass by electron capture.
After electron capture in 163Ho and emission of an electron neutrino the combined atomic and nuclear system is in an excited atomic state of...
Hans-Thomas Janka
(Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
19/10/2017, 09:00
I will review the status of 3D supernova explosion modeling with a focus on neutrino-signal predictions.
Hidetoshi Akimune
(Department of Physics, Konan University)
19/10/2017, 09:30
Neutrino nuclear responses for double beta decays (DBDs) are crucial for
studies of fundamental properties of neutrinos and neutrino nuclear interactions.
Nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) for charged current (CC) Gamow Teller GT(1 + )
and spin dipole SD(2 - ) ฮฒ ยฑ NMEs and neutral current (NC) M4(4 - ) ฮณ NMEs in
medium heavy nuclei are shown by one of the present authors (H.E), J.
Cristina Volpe
19/10/2017, 10:00
Neutrino astrophysics has brought milestones in our understanding of neutrino properties and of stellar evolution. Neutrinos are still tightly linked to key open questions in astrophysics, including unravelling the mechanisms of the death of massive stars and the site(s) where the heavy elements are made. Neutrino flavor evolution in dense environments, such as core-collapse supernovae and...
Kate Scholberg
(Duke University)
19/10/2017, 10:30
This talk will discuss neutral-current coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS) experiments using low-threshold detectors and different neutrino sources. I will explore the potential physics reach of these measurements and will survey status of current and
future experiments.
Veronique Van Elewyck
(APC & Universitรฉ Paris Diderot)
19/10/2017, 11:30
ORCA (Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) is the low-energy branch of KM3NeT,
the next-generation underwater Cherenkov neutrino detector currently in construction in the Mediterranean. The ORCA design foresees a dense configuration of KM3NeT detection units, optimised for studying the oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos and primarily aiming at measuring the neutrino mass...
Diana Carbone
19/10/2017, 12:00
The physics of neutrinoless double beta (0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ) decay has important implications on particle physics, cosmology and fundamental physics. In particular, it is the most promising process to access the average neutrino mass. To determine quantitative information from the possible measurement of the 0ฮฝฮฒฮฒ decay half-lives, the knowledge of the Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME) involved in the transition...
Stefan Schรถnert
20/10/2017, 09:00
Observation of neutrinoless double beta decay would be a break through in particle physics, astroparticle physics and cosmology, as it would imply lepton number violation, establish the Majorana character of neutrinos and shed light on the evolution of the early Universe. Current experiments have half-live sensitivities up to several 1025 yr probing part of the parameter space predicted for...
Oleg Smirnov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
20/10/2017, 09:30
Last year KamLAND collaboration presented preliminary analysis of the
data taken after the shutdown of nuclear power plants. In the absence of
the background from nuclear reactors the geo-neutrino signal dominates in
the observed spectrum, precision of geoneutrino signal measurement
approaches 15%. Together with Borexino measurements the new KamLAND data
offers an opportunity for the...
Joseph Formaggio
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
20/10/2017, 10:00
The neutrino mass scale is presently unknown but its range is now bounded fromย above byย laboratory measurements of tritium beta decay and from below by oscillation measurements. The Project 8 experiment exploits a new technique designed to allowย measurements in this range, potentially allowing us to reach sensitivity down to the inverted hierarchy scale. The technique makes use of cyclotron...
Alexei Smirnov
(Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
20/10/2017, 10:30
Status of theory of neutrino mass is outlined.
The key issues, which determine the progress in identification of physics behind neutrino masses and mixing, will be reviewed. Those include (i) role of sterile neutrinos, (ii) nature of neutrino mass, (iii) scale of neutrino mass generationย and the electroweak scale, (iv) symmetry behind mixing pattern, (v) grand unification,
(vi) neutrino...
Zhe Wang
(Tsinghua University)
20/10/2017, 11:30
The Jinping Neutrino Experiment will perform an in-depth research on solar neutrinos, geo-neutrinos and supernova relic neutrinos. This talk will present the general situation of Jinping underground lab and our current efforts on the R&D of the experimental proposal. Also presented is a 1-ton prototype recently placed underground at Jinping laboratory.
Clarence Virtue
(Laurentian University / SNOLAB)
20/10/2017, 12:00
This talk will present the case for lead-based supernova detectors.ย Such detectors are robust and economical to build and maintain over long timescales. By instrumenting tonnes of lead with He-3 neutron detectors supernova neutrinos create bursts of neutrons which can be detected with high efficiency. Electron anti-neutrino charged current reactions are Pauli-blocked by the neutron excess in...
Marco Pallavicini
20/10/2017, 12:30
The SOX project is an experiment for the search of sterile neutrinos by means of a power artificial anti-neutrino generator based on Ce-144
The talk will outline the status of the project, which is supposed to begin data taking in spring 2018
Its scientific reach will also be described together with a comparison with other experimental efforts on this field
Rita Bernabei
(Univ. e INFN Roma Tor Vergata)
21/10/2017, 09:30
The DAMA/LIBRA set-up (about 250 kg highly radiopure NaI(Tl)) is running at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory of INFN in its phase2. The positive results obtained by the phase 1 exploiting the model independent Dark Matter (DM) annual modulation signature for the presence of DM particles in the galactic halo will be summarized. The data satisfy all the many requirements of the DM annual...
(Univ. Muenster)
21/10/2017, 10:00
This talk will be concerned with the nuclear physics, which drives the double-beta decay and here in particular the double-beta decay with no neutrinos. First, some of the issues of the nuclear matrix elements (NMEs) in double-beta decay will be dealt with using charge-exchange reactions. However, the focus will quickly change to charge-exchange reactions to identify higher-order multipoles as...
Marco Cortesi
(National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (Michigan State University))
21/10/2017, 10:30
A centenary after the discovery of the basic principle of gas amplification, gaseous detectors are still fundamental components at the frontier of present and planned physics experiments. Radiation detection and imaging with gas-avalanche technologies are the first choice whenever the large area coverage with low material budget is required. However, while extensively employed at the LHC,...
Sonja Orrigo
(IFIC-CSIC Valencia, Spain)
21/10/2017, 11:00
Decay spectroscopy is a powerful tool to explore nuclei at the proton drip-line since the beta decay has a direct access to the absolute values of the Fermi B(F) and Gamow-Teller B(GT) transition strengths. Charge Exchange (CE) reactions such as (p,n) or (3He,t) are the mirror strong interaction process and provide information on the relative B(GT) values without energy restrictions. Hence...