ST-Microelectronics Best Talk Awards
Dr. J.A. Lay Valera, "Double charge-exchange reactions and the effect of transfer" |
Dr. Alessandro Minotti, "Search for eV Sterile Neutrinos – The Stereo Experiment" |
Best Poster Awards
Salvatore Calabrese, "The 116Cd(20Ne,20O)116Sn reaction at 15 AMeV within the NUMEN project" (ST-Microeletronics award) |
Giovanna Ferrara, "First results of the KM3NeT/ARCA detector" (ST-Microeletronics award) |
Federico Pinna, "Overview on the Study and Design of the target for the NUMEN Experiment" (ST-Microeletronics award) |
Mariia Redchuck, "Solar neutrino analysis with the Borexino detector" (Hamamatsu award) |