15–21 Oct 2017
Monastero dei Benedettini, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Proceedings published online

Neutrino mass from cosmological surveys

16 Oct 2017, 16:20
Auditorium (Monastero dei Benedettini, University of Catania)


Monastero dei Benedettini, University of Catania

Oral Plenary


Prof. Ofer Lahav (University College London, UK)


We review the prospects to measure the neutrino mass and other properties from cosmological wide-field surveys, including DES, DESI, Euclid, LSST and SKA.  The talk will focus on how to control systematics and parameter degeneracy, as well as on how to combine cosmological data with terrestrial neutrino experiments.

Primary author

Prof. Ofer Lahav (University College London, UK)

Presentation materials