Oleg Smirnov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Last year KamLAND collaboration presented preliminary analysis of the
data taken after the shutdown of nuclear power plants. In the absence of
the background from nuclear reactors the geo-neutrino signal dominates in
the observed spectrum, precision of geoneutrino signal measurement
approaches 15%. Together with Borexino measurements the new KamLAND data
offers an opportunity for the discrimination of the geophysical models
of the Earth. The separation of the geo-neutrino signal from mantle is of
special interest for geophysicists.
The current results of the Borexino and KamLAND will be presented. The
perspectives for measurement of geo-neutrino fluxes both on existing and
planned detectors (SNO+, JUNO) will be discussed. We will discuss also the nuclear physics inputs relevant for high precision measurement of the geo-neutrino fluxes in the future.
Primary author
Oleg Smirnov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)