15–21 Oct 2017
Monastero dei Benedettini, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone
Proceedings published online

Characterization of the microwave multiplexing readout and TESs for HOLMES

19 Oct 2017, 16:40
Chiostro di Levante (Monastero dei Benedettini, University of Catania)

Chiostro di Levante

Monastero dei Benedettini, University of Catania


Mrs Elena Ferri (MIB)


A powerful tool to determine the effective electron-neutrino mass is the calorimetric measurement of the energy released in a nuclear beta decay. Performing a precision measurement of the end point of the Electron Capture decay spectrum of 163Ho , HOLMES aims at pushing down the sensitivity on the neutrino mass below 1 eV. In its final configuration HOLMES will deploy an array of 1000 microcalorimeters based on Transition Edge Sensors with gold absorbers in which the 163 Ho will be ion implanted. The best technique to easily readout such a number of detector with a common readout line is the microwave frequency domain readout. Therefore, the TESs are coupled to multiplexed rf-SQUIDS operated in a flux ramp demodulation for linearization purposes. The rf-SQUIDS are then coupled to superconducting quarter wavelength resonators in the GHz range, from which the modulating signal is finally recovering using software defined radio techniques. In the last two years an extensive R&D activity has been carried out in order to maximize the multiplexing factor while preserving the performances of each detector which fulfil the HOLMES requirements ( i.e. an energy resolution of few eV and a time-resolution of a few microseconds). We report here the progress made towards the characterization of the multiplexing system together with the results of the characterization of the HOLMES detectors.

Primary author

Mrs Elena Ferri (MIB)


Andrea Giachero (MIB) Angelo Enrico Lodovico Nucciotti (MIB) Dr Angiola Orlando (GE) B.K. Alpert (NIST) C.D. Reintsema (NIST) D.A Bennett (NIST) D.R. Schmidt (NIST) D.S. Swetz (NIST) D.T. Becker (NIST) G.C. Hilton (NIST) Gianluigi Ezio Pessina (MIB) Giovanni Gallucci (GE) J. Fowler (NIST) J.A.B. Mates (NIST) J.D. Gard (NIST) J.N. Ullom (NIST) J.P. Hays- Wehlea (NIST) L.R Vale (NIST) Mr Marco Faverzani (MIB) Matteo De Gerone (GE) Dr Michele Biasotti (GE) Paul Andrei Puiu (MIB) Dr Valentina Ceriale (GE)

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