10–12 ott 2016
Lecce, ITALY
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Hosting Institutions

University of Salento
With 6 Faculties, 8 Departments and 33 Research Centres, the University of Salento has grown remarkably over the last decades playing a leading role in this Southern tip of Italy. The Università del Salento is a dynamic and versatile University, eager to develop its academic contribution in both science and in the humanities, sharing human and cultural resources. Visiting the Università del Salento is a remarkable journey through Baroque buildings, cloisters and monasteries (such as the Convento del Carmine, now the Rectorate); and very modern buildings (such as the Engineering Department Building) which represent the icons of technology and research. All the Humanistic Faculties have their sites just outside the Old Town walls, while the new University campuses of Ecotekne, a few kilometres out of Lecce, represent the core of the scientific and technological research, and host the faculties of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Economics, Engineering and Law.
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – INFN – Lecce unit
The INFN unit in Lecce in close sinergy with the University of Salento is dedicated to the experimental and theoretical study of Particles and Nuclear Physics, AstroParticles and to the Applications of the related Technologies. Research groups participate to several particle and astroparticle experiments, which includes ATLAS at CERN, MEG at PSI, AUGER in the argentinian pampa, and DAMPE in space. The astroparticle physics group studied in the past neutrino oscillation physics and the high energy cosmic radiation with experiments underground (MACRO at Gran Sasso) and at high altitude (ARGO-YBJ in Tibet).