Workshop on CGEM FEE, DAQ and Trigger for BESIII experiment

Sala Wataghin (Turin University and INFN)

Sala Wataghin

Turin University and INFN

Via P. Giuria 1 10125 Torino Italy
Gianluigi Cibinetto (INFN Ferrara), Simonetta Marcello (Torino University and INFN)
This meeting is the first workshop on the FEE, DAQ and Trigger of the Cylindrical GEM detector for the BESIII experiment hosted at IHEP (Beijing, China), which will be held in Turin. The Workshop is organised by the BESIIICGEM Consortium, whose project is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the call H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 within the "Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation Framework Programme".
  • Alessandro Calcaterra
  • Angelo Cotta Ramusino
  • Angelo Rivetti
  • Chongyang Leng
  • Christoph Rosner
  • Fei Li
  • Francesca De Mori
  • Gianluigi Cibinetto
  • Giulietto Felici
  • Huaishen Li
  • Jacopo Pellegrino
  • Jingzhou ZHAO
  • Junying Chai
  • Manuel Dionisio Da Rocha Rolo
  • Marco Giovanni Maria Destefanis
  • Marco Giovanni Maria Destefanis
  • Marco Maggiora
  • Marco Mignone
  • Mauro Savrie'
  • Maxim Alexeev
  • Michela Greco
  • Monica Bertani
  • Pawel Marciniewski
  • Piero Patteri
  • Riccardo Farinelli
  • Simonetta Marcello
  • Simonetta Marcello
  • Wenxuan Gong
  • Xiaolu Ji