Rebecca Surman
(University of Notre Dame)
20/06/2017, 17:10
Invited talk
The key role played by nuclear masses in rapid neutron capture, or r-process, nucleosynthesis has long been recognized. Masses set the reaction flow path for an r-process in equilibrium and influence the neutron capture rates, beta decay rates, and fission properties that determine the final abundances. Here we describe modern efforts to quantify the uncertainties in r-process abundance...
Gabor Kiss
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
20/06/2017, 17:40
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
Invited talk
About 50% of the isotopes heavier than iron are synthesized in the so-called astrophysical r-process [1]. During the explosion of a type II supernovae or a Neutron star merger exotic isotopes, closed to the drip line are formed via rapid neutron capture reactions [2]. These, very neutron-rich nuclei emit neutrons after the beta-decay when the decay Q-value is larger than the neutron separation...
Artemis Spyrou
20/06/2017, 18:10
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
% Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8 template for abstract
% Format: LaTeX2e.
% Rename this file to name.tex, where `name' is the family name
% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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Giuseppe Verde
20/06/2017, 18:30
Neutron stars and the equation of state of dense matter
Heavy-ion collisions provide unique access to nuclear structure properties away from saturation density and at finite temperatures. Such structure properties are determined by the equation of state (EoS) and the symmetry energy of nuclear matter that can in turn be studied under laboratory controlled conditions. Such conditions are encountered in neutron stars and in core collapse supernovae...
Dan Cozma
20/06/2017, 18:50
Neutron stars and the equation of state of dense matter
Using a quantum molecular dynamics type transport model coupled to a phase-space coalescence algorithm to determine final spectra of intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions it has been shown that the elliptic flow ratios of neutrons-to-protons and neutrons-to-hydrogen probe, on average, different density regimes of the compressed nuclear matter created in such reactions [1]. This fact is used...