Livio Lamia
22/06/2017, 14:30
Invited talk
Experimental nuclear astrophysics aims at measuring astrophysically relevant burning reaction cross sections at the corresponding Gamow energy. However, in spite of the improvements for measuring low-energy nuclear reaction cross sections, the Gamow energy region peak often remains far to be fully explored mainly in the case of charged-particles induced reactions. In such cases, both Coulomb...
22/06/2017, 15:00
Tools, techniques and facilities
Invited talk
It is well known the importance in Astrophysics of the reactions regarding 26Al. This radioisotope
is presented for instance, in the stars where there is H, C and Ne fusion at high temperatures;
as well it can be found inside meteorites where it can be deposited or to be created in situ [1].
Considering the importance of the 26Al nuclei, in this work are presented the rst results...
György Gyürky
(Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki)
22/06/2017, 15:30
Indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics
% Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics 8 template for abstract
% Format: LaTeX2e.
% Rename this file to name.tex, where `name' is the family name
% of the first author, and edit it to produce your abstract.
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Antti Saastamoinen
(Cyclotron Insitute, Texas A&M University)
22/06/2017, 15:50
Explosive scenarios in astrophysics: observations, theory, and experiments
The thermonuclear runaway in classical novae proceeds through radiative proton capture re- actions (p,γ) involving proton rich sd-shell nuclei close to the dripline. Many of the capture reactions at typical peak nova temperatures of 0.2-0.4 GK are dominated by resonant capture. Therefore, the key parameters in understanding the astrophysical reaction rates are the energies, decay widths and...