Sandrine Courtin
(IPHC Strasbourg)
The STELLA (STELlar LAboratory) experimental station for the measurement of sub-barrier light heavy ion fusion cross sections has been commissioned at the Androm\`{e}de accelerator at IPN, Orsay. These measurements can yield both insight into nuclear cluster effects~[1] and the $S$-factors at energies of astrophysical interest. In particular, $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C fusion was identified as a key reaction on the production route of heavier elements in massive stars during the carbon burning phase, in type Ia supernovae and in superbursts from accreting neutron stars~[2].
Since sub-barrier fusion reactions are strongly hindered by Coulomb repulsion, the experimental determination of these cross sections ($\sim$~nb) is highly challenging. Nowadays, the determination of such cross sections is targeted with coincidence measurements using the so called gamma-particle-technique~[3]. The STELLA setup comprises a set of DSSSDs as well as an array of LaBr$_{3}$ detectors from the UK FATIMA collaboration (FAst TIMing Array) for charged particle and gamma recognition, respectively. In addition, a rotating target mechanism is developed to sustain beam intensities $>10\mu$A.
In this contribution, the experimental layout will be introduced in detail with a focus on the design and performance of LaBr$_{3}$ detection array. Furthermore, the measurement technique will be sketched with first results from the commissioning campaign using $^{12}$C beam.
[1] D.~Jenkins and S.~Courtin, Phys. Jour. G 42, 034010 (2015);
[2] L.R.~Gasques \textit{et al.}, PRC 76, 3, 035802 (2007);
[3] C.L.~Jiang \textit{et al.}, NIM A 682, 12 (2012);
Primary author
Sandrine Courtin
(IPHC Strasbourg)
Daniele Montanari
(USIAS - Universite de Strasbourg, IPHC-CNRS)
David Jenkins Jenkins
(University of York)
Guillaume Fruet
(IPHC-CNRS/ Universite de Strasbourg, 67037 Strasbourg (France))
Luke Morris
(University of York, YO10 5DD York, UK)
Matthias Rudigier
(University of Surrey, GU2 7XH Guildford (UK))
Patrick Regan
(University of Surrey)