Adam Garnsworthy
The Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy at ISAC group operates the GRIFFIN and TIGRESS HPGe arrays in pursuit of a variety of nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental symmetries investigations at TRIUMF's Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) ISOL radioactive beam facility.
The GRIFFIN spectrometer provides unique opportunities in decay spectroscopy research with stopped radioactive beams. The HPGe array is complimented by a powerful suite of ancillary detector sub-systems that includes plastic-scintillators for beta tagging, LN2-cooled Si(Li) detectors for conversion electron measurements and an array of eight LaBr3 scintillators for fast-timing measurements. In addition, GRIFFIN will couple to the DESCANT array of neutron-detectors for beta-delayed neutron emission studies with exotic neutron-rich beams. GRIFFIN has most recently been used to study neutron-rich isotopes in the vicinity of 132Sn, and around the island of inversion.
The TIGRESS spectrometer is used for studies with accelerated radioactive beams and is operated in conjunction with a range of particle detector sub-systems. The BAMBINO and SHARC silicon arrays are ideally suited to study Coulomb excitation and transfer reactions. A plunger device has recently been commissioned for the measurement of excited state lifetimes. The SPICE detector for in-beam internal conversion electron spectroscopy has been developed. The future EMMA recoil mass analyzer will also be coupled with TIGRESS. Recent measurements have examined transition strengths in light nuclei and transfer strengths in the neutron-rich Sr isotopes.
An overview of the experimental setups will be given with details of recent results.
Primary author
Adam Garnsworthy