The Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network (NuSpIn), in the framework of ENSAR2 (HORIZON2020), promotes the mutual coordination between the research groups involved in high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. The objective is to strengthen the nuclear structure community by the exchange and transfer of knowledge and the enhancement of synergies between the different collaborations active in the European Infrastructure Facilities.
The aim of the NUSPIN 2016 Workshop is to present the status of nuclear structure research in Europe and to discuss its perspectives. Sessions will be dedicated to the presentation of recent theoretical studies, the latest results obtained at the gamma-ray facilities in Europe, and the discussion of the challenges of future research, the development of new instrumentation and technical developments with gamma-ray techniques and particle detectors.
The main topics to be discussed at the workshop are:
• shell structure far from stability
• isospin degrees of freedom
• collective excitations
• nuclear moments
• spectroscopy with radioactive ion beams
• superheavy nuclei
• nuclear astrophysics
• gamma-ray detectors technology
• complementary instrumentation
Review talks are planned with ample time scheduled for discussion. These reviews will be followed by shorter contributions selected from the submitted abstracts.
The deadline for abstract submission is 6th May 2016. Information regarding the abstract selection will be notified to the contributors by 13th May 2016.
AGATA Physics Workshop and Annual Meeting of the AGATA Collaboration.
The afternoon of Thursday 30th June and the morning of July 1st will be dedicated to an AGATA Physics Workshop, followed by the Annual Meeting of the AGATA Collaboration, and the meeting of the AGATA Collaboration Council.
Meetings of the NUSPIN Scientific Committee and the Working Groups.
The afternoon of Tuesday 28th June will be devoted to the meetings of the NUSPIN Scientific Committee and of the Working Groups coordinating the instrumentation developments.
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