Jun 20 – 23, 2010
Martina Franca - Valle d'Itria
Europe/Rome timezone


The 2010 edition of  QCD@Work, International Workshop on QCD, theoretical and experimental,  is organized as a Memorial Workshop of Beppe Nardulli, the scientist who first promoted this series of meetings. The workshop will be held  in  Martina Franca (Italy), from 20th to 23rd June 2010. The aim is to bring together theorists and experimentalists putting QCD to work in a variety of different arenas for a common discussion. The site of the workshop is located in the area of Valle d'Itria (Apulia-Italy) which belongs to the UNESCO World heritage. The workshop will be held in the conference center of Park Hotel San Michele.


  • Low Energy Physics and Non perturbative QCD
  • Challenges in Perturbative QCD
  • Heavy Quarks
  • Hot and dense QCD
  • AdS/QCD
  • Sessions with invited talks
  • Contributed talks
  • Poster session .

The deadline for registration is May 15th, 2010. Participants are invited to contribute to the Workshop, submitting a title and an abstract before May 10th, 2010, using the registration form.  The workshop organization will notify before May 15th if the abstract has been accepted as a contributed talk. It is also possible to contribute to the poster session. Invited and contributed talks, as well as posters, will be published in the Proceedings of the Workshop.


Participants  needing an official invitation letter for Visa formalities are invited to contact the Workshop Organization .


The Workshop fee is 250 Euro, and includes proceedings costs, coffee breaks, social events and transfer Bari- to/from Martina Franca at the beginning/end of the meeting. The fee can be paid to the bank account:

  • "Comitato QCD-LHC"
  • Banca Nazionale del Lavoro - Agenzia n.8 - Via Amendola 172/g - 70126 Bari (Italy)
  • Account n. 000569
  • IBAN code:  IT63 K010 0504 0130 0000 0000 569
  • with the motivation:
  • " Martina Franca Workshop on QCD - 2010"   with  your name

The fee can also be paid cash and in Euros at your arrival at the workshop registration desk. The receipt of the fee will be provided at the registration. For accompanying persons, a fee of 50 euros,  covering the social dinner and the excursion, can be paid cash at the workshop registration desk.


The Workhop will start on Sunday 20th at 9.0 am and will end on Wednesday 23rd, in the early afternoon.


Workshop: June 20th - 23rd, 2010

Registration opening day: February 15th, 2010

Registration deadline: May 15th, 2010  

Abstract submission deadline: May 10th, 2010  >>>> EXPIRED