
The workshop proceedings will be published in electronics form in a special issue of  JINST. 

General Instructions

Within the deadline of October 10, 2016, each speaker should submit a contribution (up to 12 pages for review talk, up to 9 pages for invited talk, up to 6 pages for oral contributions and 5 pages for posters).

The papers will be refereed by the International Scientific Committee with the help of external experts.

Submission Instructions

To prepare your contribution for submission, please use the JINST Proceedings templates (Word or Latex) at

When your contribution is ready for submission, please follow the instructions below:
1.     Connect to and register
2.     in the “Submit” section of the home page select the link “submit a proceedings contribution”  
3.     select the Pixel2016 conference from the list  
4.     follow the step-by-step procedure for submission, referring to the instructions available at the section “For Authors” at the top of the JINST home page (
5.     as "access to your paper" select "My article is a CERN article" if you, or at least one of the authors,  are affiliated to Cern or if your paper  is on behalf of a CERN collaboration (ATLAS, CMS, etc....). Otherwise select  "I do not wish my article to be published open access...". 

For any further information or assistance, do not hesitate to contact the workshop editors ( and and/or the JINST Editorial Office (