2:15 PM
Overview and perspectives of HR&HV CMOS
Tomasz Hemperek
(University of Bonn)
2:55 PM
Status of HVCMOS Sensor Developments for ATLAS
Ivan Peric
(KIT Karlsruhe Germany)
3:10 PM
Recent Progress of RD53 Collaboration towards the Next Generation of Pixel Readout Chips for HL-LHC
Natale Demaria
3:25 PM
Total Ionization Dose effects in the FE-I4 front-end chip of the ATLAS Pixel IBL detector
Karola Dette
(Dortmund Univ.)
3:40 PM
MuPix7 - a fast monolithic HV-CMOS pixel chip for Mu3e
Frank Meier Aeschbacher
(Universität Heidelberg)
3:55 PM
Radiation-Hard/High-Speed Parallel Optical Links
K.K. Gan
(The Ohio State University)
4:10 PM
High rate capability and radiation tolerance of the new CMS pixel detector readout chip PROC600
Andrey Starodumov
(ETH Zurich)
4:55 PM
5:40 PM
The performance measurements of INTPIX6 SOI pixel detector
Szymon Bugiel
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
5:55 PM
ALPIDE: the Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for the ALICE ITS upgrade
Miljenko Suljic
6:10 PM
Readout electronics for LGAD sensors
Oscar Alonso
(University of Barcelona)