High rate capability and radiation tolerance of the new CMS pixel detector readout chip PROC600

Not scheduled
Sestri Levante

Sestri Levante

Grand Hotel dei Castelli
contributed paper


Dr Andrey Starodumov (ETH Zurich)


The first layer of the CMS Phase I pixel detector will be placed at a distance of 3cm from the interaction point. At the instantaneous luminosity of 2x10^34 cm-2s-1 foreseen for the LHC operation in 2017-25, the pixel hit rate at this layer is expected to be as high as 600MHz/cm2. A new readout chip, called PROC600, to be used for Layer 1 modules has been design at PSI. The pixel hit efficiency of the chip is above 99% at the rate of 600MH/cm2. The properties and high rate capability of PROC600 will be discussed. The CMS Phase I pixel detector is expected to be in operation untill 2024/25. The total flux seen by the first layer will reach 2-3x10^15neq/cm2 which corresponds to 80-120MRad. To justify a robust and efficient operation of PROC600 it has been irradiated to a several doses up to 480MRad. The chip performance after irradiation including pixel hit efficiency will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Andrey Starodumov (ETH Zurich)

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