Design and Development of an Event-driven SOI Pixel Detector for X-ray Astronomy and Light Dark Matter Search

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Sestri Levante

Sestri Levante

Grand Hotel dei Castelli
contributed paper


Dr. Ayaki Takeda (Kyoto University)


We have been developing monolithic active pixel detectors, named “XRPIX” based on the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) pixel technology, for future X-ray astronomical satellite missions. Our objective is to replace X-ray Charge Coupled Devices (CCD), which are now standard detectors in the field. The XRPIX series offers good time resolution (~1 µs), fast readout time (~10 µs), and a wide energy range (0.5–40 keV) in addition to having imaging and spectroscopic capability comparable to CCDs. XRPIX contains a comparator circuit in each pixel for hit trigger (timing) and two-dimensional hit-pattern (position) outputs. Therefore, signals are read out only from selected pixels. X-ray readout by this function is called “event-driven readout”. In our previous studies, we successfully demonstrated X-ray detection by the event-driven readout. We improved the X-ray spectral performance by introducing in-pixel charge-sensitive amplifier circuit in the frame readout mode, which an analog signal from all pixels periodically. We achieved an energy resolution of 320 eV (FWHM) for 5.9 keV X-rays with which Mn-K${\rm \alpha}$ and -K${\rm \beta}$ lines are resolved for the first time in the XRPIX series. Recently, we designed the first prototype to achieve a large-area device for satellite loading. The detector is 24.6 mm × 15.3 mm in size and consists of 608 × 384 pixels. The pixel size and the imaging area are 36 μm × 36 μm and 21.9 mm × 13.8 mm, respectively. Moreover, We propose a light dark matter search experiment using the XRPIX. In this presentation, we report on the design and evaluation results of the new device, and the plan about a light dark matter search experiment.

Autore principale

Dr. Ayaki Takeda (Kyoto University)


Sig. Hideaki Matsumura (Kyoto University) Sig. Hideki Hayashi (Kyoto University) Sig. Hiroki Kamehama (Shizuoka University) Dr. Hiroyuki Uchida (Kyoto University) Dr. Keiichiro Kagawa (Shizuoka University) Dr. Keita Yasutomi (Shizuoka University) Dr. Kentaro Miuchi (Kobe University) Dr. Koji Mori (University of Miyazaki) Sig. Kouki Tamasawa (Tokyo University of Science) Sig. Makoto Itou (Kyoto University) Sig. Naoya Oka (Kobe University) Sig. Nobuaki Takebayashi (University of Miyazaki) Dr. Shinya Nakashima (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Prof. Shoji Kawahito (Shizuoka University) Sig. Shouma Yokoyama (University of Miyazaki) Sig. Shunichi Ohmura (Kyoto University) Sig. Sumeet Shrestha (Shizuoka University) Sig. Syou Sato (Tokyo University of Science) Dr. Takaaki Tanaka (Kyoto University) Dr. Takayoshi Kohmura (Tokyo University of Science) Prof. Takeshi Tsuru (Kyoto University) Prof. Yasuo Arai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK) Yusuke Nishioka (University of Miyazaki) Sig. Yusuke Ozawa (Tokyo University of Science)

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