25–27 ott 2017
Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Physics is living an era of unprecedented cross-fertilization among different areas.
Concepts born in the realm of statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics,like spontaneous symmetry breaking, have fertilized the area of fundamental interactions for many decades; now concepts born in the context of quantum field theory are fertilizing condensed matter physics at various levels.
The standard model of particle physics has led us to an almost complete view over fundamental interactions, in which the missing piece is represented by a renormalizable theory of quantum gravity. The Higgs phenomenon, with the associated electroweak phase transition, and the physics of strong interactions, with the associated confinement and deconfinement of quarks and gluons, represent the fundamental pillars over which a consistent description of the early stages of our Universe is built.

On the other hand, cosmology and astrophysical observations are currently becoming the major input for a new insight into the realm of fundamental interactions. Key problems as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, along with those related to the formation of supermassive black holes found in the early universe and their newly discovered gravitational wave emission, pose exciting - albeit incredibly challenging - questions that can be answered only by combining knowledge in widely diverse areas of physics.

In systems of ultracold atoms, extreme quantum conditions can be reached by tuning temperature, strength and/or range of interactions, and by reducing dimensionality. These are realized in highly controllable experiments and are amenable to accurate modeling within clear theoretical frameworks and methods which have in two decades bridged atomic and condensed matter physics, quantum optics and quantum information science. The length and energy scales characterizing ultracold atoms, along with their degree of complexity, have fostered the possibility of connecting with to fundamental interactions and cosmology. Ultracold atoms are indeed currently used as systems where to test fundamental physics concepts mainly bringing together quantum nature and gravity, as well as to study under highly controllable conditions conceptual analogues originated from cosmology and astrophysics contexts.
The three research areas (particle physics, condensed matter and cosmology) are united also by methodological issues. Similar challenges characterize the theoretical framework and numerical simulations of different physical systems, ranging from the quantum geometrical structure of gravity and space-time, to the elementary building blocks of life. On the other hand, systems of cold atoms hold the key to design and realize future quantum computers, which could possibly answer yet unsolved problems in fundamental interactions.

The purpose of this Conference is to bring together major experts in these three fields and foster such a process of cross-fertilization that promises to bring us beyond the present frontiers of physics.