Mauro Missori
(Institute for Complex Systems)
The Institute for Complex Systems (ISC) and the Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN) of CNR are engaged in a collaboration with the Fater SpA (Joint venture of P&G and Angelini) aimed to the development of new bleaching products for cellulose based materials.
Testing samples obtained by using different formulations in the FATER laboratory are studied and characterized at ISC and ISMN laboratories by using several non-destructive experimental methods.
Results allow the understanding of the action of bleaching at different levels (textile, fiber and polymer) and the effect of chemistry of fabric bleaching on mechanical and optical properties.
These results provide extremely valuable information for the development of competitive products for cleaning of cellulose-based materials.
Primary author
Mauro Missori
(Institute for Complex Systems)
Francesco Valle
(Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, CNR, Via P. Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy)
Lorenzo Teodonio
(Istituto Centrale per il Restauro e la Conservazione del Patrimonio Archivistico e Librario, Via Milano 76, 00184 Rome, Italy)
Matteo Lega
(Fater SpA (Joint venture of P&G and Angelini) c/o P&G Italia SpA Pomezia Plant via Ardeatina 100, 00040 Pomezia - S. Palomba (Rome), Italy)
Stefano Resta
(Fater SpA (Joint venture of P&G and Angelini) c/o P&G Italia SpA Pomezia Plant via Ardeatina 100, 00040 Pomezia - S. Palomba (Rome), Italy)