June 11, 2015
Centro Congressi, CNR Area della Ricerca
Europe/Rome timezone
A day dedicated to explore the opportunities of business and knowledge transfer that CERN, ESRF, ESS and national Labs offer to Italian SMEs

The Small and Medium Enterprise Italian fabric is characterized by high flexibility, technological versatility and entrepreneurial ingenuity. It presents a great potential for increasing the collaboration with the European Research Centers like CERN, ESRF, ESS and national Labs that pursue cutting-edge scientific goals by pushing the limit of modern technologies.
For SMEs, interacting with these Labs is not only a possibility for increasing the turnover, but it represents also a very attracting opportunity of widening their sectors of activity and fostering the advanced know-how that plays such an important role today in supporting the global market competitiveness.
The Industrial Opportunity Day has been organized to present the main projects launched by those Physics European Labs, where the collaboration with the Italian scientific community, supported by INFN and CNR, is well established. The event is structured in an introductory plenary session in the morning and four parallel sessions in the afternoon, dedicated to the most relevant industrial sectors.
This first national event will be followed by further meetings at regional level that will make it possible to focus the attention on the specific local industrial capabilities and to discuss initiatives to better exploit locally the technology transfer opportunities.
Centro Congressi, CNR Area della Ricerca
Sala 105, Plenaria
Via Gobetti 101 Bologna