Ultra-intense Laser Interactions Science

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) - Italy
Antonio Giulietti (CNR), Carmela Strangio (ENEA), Massimo Ferrario (INFN-LNF)
We are pleased to announce the second edition of the Ultra-Intense Laser Interaction Science conference “ULIS2009@Frascati” to be held at the National Laboratories of INFN in Frascati (LNF-INFN) next May 2009, from 24th to 29th. The ULIS conference series was launched by Ph. Martin, S. Jacquemot and E. Mevel with ULIS2007 in Bordeaux with the intention of offering to researchers involved in experimental, numerical or theoretical studies on Strong Field or Ultra-High Intensity science (UHI) and Inertial Fusion for Energy (IFE) an outstanding opportunity to gather and compare their expertise and then to federate these communities. The success of ULIS 2007 exceeded the most optimistic expectations. ULIS 2009 will keep the same objectives while further opening the participation to a multidisciplinary scientific community. Topics to be addressed will then include: - New Laser Sources: High Energy – High Power - Fundamental Processes at Ultra-High Intensity - Relativistic Optics in Plasmas - Advanced IFE Schemes including Fast Ignition - Laser-driven Particle Accelerators and their potential uses - Secondary Sources, Applications and Radioprotection Issues - Attosecond science “ULIS2009@Frascati” will be hosted by LNF-INFN labs, where a frontier laboratory is being set-up with the installation of the 300 TW - 20 fs FLAME laser operating in close connection with the 150 MeV Linac of the SPARC Free Electron Laser. Across the road from INFN there is the ENEA Research Centre with its infrastructures devoted to Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion, including the ABC laser laboratory.
  • Adolfo Esposito
  • Akito Sagisaka
  • Alessio Morace
  • Alexander Andreev
  • Alexander Debus
  • Andre D. Bandrauk
  • Andrea Gamucci
  • Andrea Ghigo
  • Andrea Macchi
  • Angela Pirri
  • Antoine Compant La Fontaine
  • Antonia Popp
  • Antonio Giulietti
  • Arnaud Andre
  • Arnaud Malvache
  • Artem Korzhimanov
  • Benjamín Alonso
  • Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna
  • borort antonin
  • Bryn Parry
  • Camilo Ruiz
  • Candice Mezel
  • Carlo Alberto Cecchetti
  • Carlo Benedetti
  • Carmen Fonseca
  • Christian Spielmannn
  • Cristina Hernandez-Gomez
  • Cyril Plaisir
  • Daniele Margarone
  • Danilo Giulietti
  • David Mascali
  • David Neely
  • Didier NORMAND
  • Dimitri Batani
  • Dimitrios Charalambidis
  • Efim Khazanov
  • Eugene Clark
  • Farhad Faisal
  • Francesc Salvat
  • Francesco Vittori
  • francois sylla
  • George Tsakiris
  • Gerhard Paulus
  • Gilles Riboulet
  • Guido Toci
  • Hannachi Fazia
  • Hideyuki Kotaki
  • Hiroaki NISHIMURA
  • Hiromitsu Kiriyama
  • Jonathan Davies
  • Julien Fuchs
  • Julio San Roman
  • Kaoru Yamanouchi
  • Karol Janulewicz
  • Katsumi Midorikawa
  • Kazuyoshi Koyama
  • Leonida A. Gizzi
  • Livia Lancia
  • Luca Labate
  • luca serafini
  • Luigi Palumbo
  • Luis Cardoso
  • Luis Roso
  • Marco Galimberti
  • Maria Richetta
  • Markus Roth
  • Martin Tolley
  • Massimo Bonfante
  • Matteo Passoni
  • Matteo Vannini
  • Matthias Burza
  • Matthias Schnuerer
  • Michael Dunne
  • Michel Bougeard
  • Michele Raynaud
  • Mikhail Veysman
  • Mitsuru Uesaka
  • Nadejda Vassileva Drenska
  • Natalia Naumova
  • Naveen Chandra Pathak
  • Nkengifor Valery
  • Paola Squillacioti
  • Pascal Monot
  • Patrizio Antici
  • Paul McKenna
  • Peter Mulser
  • Petra Maria Koester
  • Philippe Martin
  • Rashida Jafer
  • Riccardo Faccini
  • Romuald Fitour
  • Salvatore Stagira
  • Sandrine Dobosz Dufrénoy
  • Sargis Ter-Avetisyan
  • Sebastien CORDE
  • Sergei Gasilov
  • Sergio Betti
  • Slawomir Jablonski
  • Stefano Atzeni
  • Sven Steinke
  • Tadzio Levato
  • Thomas Kluge
  • Tiberio CECCOTTI
  • Victor Malka
  • Vikrant Saxena
  • Xiaohui Yuan
  • Íñigo Sola
    • 08:00 09:00
      Registration 1O
    • 09:00 09:30
      Opening Ceremony
      • 09:00
        Magistral Lecture: Laser Acceleration and its Scope and Impact: 1979-2009 30m
        Relatore: Toshiki Tajima (Ludwig Maximilian University)
        "30 years ago..."
    • 09:30 13:00
      Session 1 - New Laser Sources: High Energy-High Power
      • 09:30
        The 10 PW OPCPA Vulcan Facility 30m
        Relatore: Cristina Hernandez-Gomez (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
      • 10:00
        Recent developments on a single beamline 10PW laser system ILE/APOLLON and associated bottlenecks investigation for the future ELI Ewawatt laser 30m
        We will describe in detail the laser design concerning the construction of a single beamline Ultra Intense Laser delivering 10PW pulses (150J /15 fs) at 1 shot par minute repetition rate. This laser funded by the French program ILE/APOLLON is presently under construction and will be fully operational in 2013. It could be considered as a prototype beam for the ELI Multibeam laser expected to deliver 200PW (3KJ /15fs). To reach such a level of performances, several bottlenecks have been oinvestigated and overcome. We will discuss the work done on new large size Titanium Sapphire crystals, on high performance non linear SHG crystals, on new compressor gratings concepts and on large pump lasers. Today we consider that the ILE bottlenecks are overcome. We will present what could be the future ELI Laser architecture and the remaining technological bottlenecks which still need to be overcome, and coherent beams combining, high damage threshold broadband reflective optics, and large deformable mirrors.
        Relatore: Jean Paul Chambaret (LOA ENSTA)
      • 10:30
        PLASMONX: project status and first experiments 30m
        Relatore: Danilo Giulietti (Univ. Pisa & INFN)
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 11:20
        High intensity, high beam quality laser pulses with a double CPA, OPCPA/Ti:sapphire laser system for studying relativistic light-matter interactions 30m
        Relatore: Hiromitsu Kiriyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 11:50
        The New Fast Ignitor Oriented Target Area in the Vulcan Laser at the CLF 20m
        Relatore: Marco Galimberti (Science and Technology Facilities Council)
      • 12:10
        Diode-pumped Yb3+:YLF and Yb3+:CaF2 laser performance 20m
        Relatore: Angela Pirri (IFAC-CNR Sesto Fiorentino (Fi))
      • 12:30
        Efficient Nuclear Fusion Induced by Intense Coulomb Explosion of CD4 Clusters Subjected to Intense Femtosecond Laser Field 30m
        Relatore: Liu Jiansheng (State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China)
    • 13:00 13:30
      Registration 30m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Lunch 1O 30m
    • 15:00 17:50
      Session 2 - Fundamental Processes at Ultra-High Intensity
      • 15:00
        Interaction of High Contrast, 25fs, 100-TW-Class Laser With Solid Targets 30m
        Relatore: Pascal Monot (CEA-Saclay)
      • 15:30
        Review of strong-field interaction activities at c-FAST 20m
        Relatore: Karol Janulewicz (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology)
      • 15:50
        Anharmonic resonance in intense laser-matter interaction and tailoring of the fast electron spectrum 20m
        Relatore: Peter Mulser (TQE: Theoretical Quantum Electronics, Tech. Univ. Darmstadt)
      • 16:10
        Investigations of electron beam transport in dense plasma 20m
        Relatore: Paul McKenna (Univ. of Strathclyde)
      • 16:30
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 16:50
        Rescaling the energy of filamentation 30m
        Relatore: Íñigo Sola (Univ. Salamanca)
      • 17:20
        Interaction of Ultraintense Laser Fields with Atomic Electron and Nucleus 30m
        Relatore: Farhad Faisal (Univ. Bielefeld)
    • 17:50 19:15
      Panel 1 - Disc.
      • 17:50
        Title not available (L. GIZZI) 1O 20m
    • 19:30 20:30
      Welcome Cocktail (Hotel Villa Mercede) 1O
    • 08:00 09:00
      Registration 1O
    • 09:00 10:20
      Panel 2 - Disc.
      • 09:00
        Title not available (M. DUNNE) 1O 20m
    • 10:20 10:40
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 10:40 13:30
      Visit to INFN-LNF 2O 50m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Lunch 1O 30m
    • 15:00 18:10
      Session 3 - Foundamental Processest at Ultra-High Intensity & Relativistic Optics in Plasmas
      • 15:00
        PENELOPE: A general-purpose Monte Carlo code for the simulation of coupled electron-photon transport 30m
        Relatore: Francesc Salvat (Univ. Barcelona)
      • 15:30
        Effects of electron self-force on super-high intensity laser-plasma interaction 20m
        Relatore: Natalia Naumova (LOA, ENSTA - Ecole Polytechnique)
      • 15:50
        Study of target heating induced by fast electrons in mass limited targets 20m
        Relatore: Alessio Morace (Univ. Milano Bicocca)
      • 16:10
        Toward a new nanoLIFT transfer process 20m
        Relatore: Candice Mezel (CELIA (Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications))
      • 16:30
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 16:50
        High repetition electron beam produced with a 1mJ Ti:Sapph laser 20m
        Relatore: Carmen Fonseca Cuenca (Grupo de Física Nuclear Salamanca University)
      • 17:10
        Measurements of Self-Generated Magnetic Fields Influence on Electron Heat Conduction in Dense Plasmas 20m
        Relatore: Livia Lancia (LULI Ecole Polytechnique & Dip.to Energetica Sapienza)
      • 17:30
        Laser Acceleration for Stable Electron Beams at JAEA-APRC 20m
        Relatore: Hideyuki Kotaki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
      • 17:50
        Controlling stable laser-accelerated electron beams 20m
        Relatore: Antonia Popp (Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics)
    • 18:10 19:30
      Poster Session I
      • 18:10
        Energetic ions from next generation ultraintense ultrashort lasers: scaling laws for TNSA 2m
        Relatore: Matteo Passoni (Dpt. di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, and Sez. di Milano INFN, Milan, Italy)
      • 18:12
        Above-millijoule continuum generation using polarisation dependent filamentation in atoms and molecules 2m
        Relatore: Benjamín Alonso (Área de Óptica. Departamento de Física Aplicada.Universidad de Salamanca.)
      • 18:14
        Ion Acceleration by Short High Intensity Laser Pulse 2m
        Relatore: Alexander Andreev (Vavilov State Optical Institute)
      • 18:16
        On the Possibility of Laser Generating Quasi-Monochromatic Ion Bunches via Ultrathin Targets Nano-Structuring 2m
        Relatore: Sergio Betti (CNR)
      • 18:18
        Properties of the X-Ray Radiation Emitted by Energetic Electrons from Laser-Plasma Interaction in the Relativistic Regime 2m
        Relatore: Arnaud Andre (CEA)
      • 18:20
        Observation of laser induced Optogalvanic-like effect in liquid: a case of optical nutation of the dipole vectors 2m
        Relatore: RAJIB BORDOLOI (TINSUKIA COLLEGE (Dibrugarh University, Assam, India))
      • 18:22
        Development of laser-based x-ray sources using non-trivial plasma medium or additional laser pulses 2m
        Relatore: Sebastien CORDE (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
      • 18:24
        High-precision positioning of a rotating solid target for high-harmonic generation at kHz repetition rate 2m
        Relatore: antonin borot (Laboratoire d'Optique Appliquée)
      • 18:26
        Dense plasmas characterised by spectrally and temporally resolved reflectivity measurements in the XUV domain 2m
        Relatore: sandrine dobosz dufrenoy (DSM-IRAMIS-SPAM ,CEA-Saclay)
      • 18:28
        A Pilot PLASMON-X experiment on electron acceleration with self-injection 2m
        Relatore: Carlo Alberto Cecchetti (CNR)
      • 18:30
        HiPER diagnostics development: a novel spectrally resolved X-ray imaging technique for laser-plasmas 2m
        Relatore: Leonida Antonio Gizzi (IPCF-CNR & INFN-Pisa)
      • 18:32
        Laser-IORT: a laser-driven source of relativistic electrons suitable for Intra-Operative Radiation Therapy of tumors 2m
        Relatore: Andrea Gamucci (IPCF-CNR, Pisa, Italy and INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Italy)
      • 18:34
        Secondary radiation from multi-GeV protons generated in laser-solid interactions in ELI 2m
        Relatore: Luis Cardoso (GoLP/IPFN - Instituto Superior Técnico)
      • 18:36
        Laser-driven electron and Bremsstrahlung x-ray sources at petawatt intensity 2m
        Relatore: Antoine Compant La Fontaine (CEA/DAM Ile-de-France)
      • 18:38
        High-Energy Protons from closely stacked, ultra-thin foils 2m
        Relatore: Thomas Kluge (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.)
      • 18:40
        The effect of laser wavelength on laser-driven 2m
        Relatore: Slawomir Jablonski (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Poland)
      • 18:42
        Fast electron transport studies through K-alpha imaging and spectroscopy in ultra-high intensity laser-solid interactions 2m
        Relatore: Petra Koester (IPCF-CNR & INFN-Pisa)
      • 18:44
        Diode-pumped chirped pulse amplification to the TW level using Yb:CaF2 2m
        Relatore: Mathias Siebold (Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics)
      • 18:46
        Influence of Ambient Plasmas to the Field Dynamics of Laser Driven Mass-Limited Targets 2m
        Relatore: Matthias Schnuerer (Max-Born-Institut)
      • 18:48
        Ramsey-Type Spectroscopy in the XUV spectral region 2m
        Relatore: Angela Pirri (IFAC-CNR, LENS)
      • 18:50
        Transition to chaotic regime of surface oscillations in super-intense laser interaction with sharp overdense plasma 2m
        Relatore: Artem Korzhimanov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS)
      • 18:52
        Characterization of laser induced proton beams with radiochromic films: comparison between optical densitometry and nuclear activation analyses. 2m
        Relatore: Cyril Plaisir (CENBG)
      • 18:54
        On dynamics of flat-top electromagnetic solitons in a cold relativistic electron-ion plasma 2m
        Relatore: Vikrant Saxena (Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar, India-382428)
      • 18:56
        Strongly Enhanced Laser Absorption and Electron Acceleration via Resonant Excitation of Surface Plasma Waves 2m
        Relatore: Michele Raynaud (CEACEA/DSM/IRAMIS/LSI, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France)
      • 18:58
        Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Gold in the Presence of Laser Excited Surface Plasma Waves 2m
        Relatore: Michele Raynaud (CEA/DSM/IRAMIS/LSI, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France)
      • 19:00
        The Gemini Laser Facility 2m
        Relatore: Bryn Parry (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
      • 19:02
        On the fabrication of large arrays of 3-µm diameter channels in thick substrates for advanced X-ray imaging. 2m
        Relatore: Tadzio Levato (a,b,c,d)
      • 19:06
        Controlling high-order harmonic cut-off extension using two delayed pulses of the same colour 2m
        Relatori: Camilo Ruiz (CLPU and Optics Group Salamanca University), Jose Antonio Pérez-Hernández (Optics Group Salamanca University)
      • 19:08
        Control of the polarization of attosecond pulses using a two-color field 2m
        Relatore: Camilo Ruiz Méndez (CLPU and Optics Group Salamanca University)
      • 19:10
        BLISS@CNR-Pisa: a flexible laser for small scale test experiments on fusion oriented physics 2m
        Relatore: Luca Labate (Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory - IPCF, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)
      • 19:12
        Proton Tomography: Tomographic reconstruction of high contrast laser driven proton source 2m
        Relatore: Sargis Ter-Avetisyan (The Queen's University of Belfast)
      • 19:14
        Double acceleration of ions and application in biomaterials 1m
        Relatore: Vincenzo Nassisi (Dpt. of Physics, Univ. of Salento, Laboratorio di Elettronica Applicata e Strumentazione, LEAS I.N.F.N. sect. of Lecce, Lecce, Italy)
    • 08:30 12:00
      Session 4 - Advanced IFE Schemes including Fast Ignition
      • 08:30
        Present status and future prospect of Fast Ignition Realization Experiment (LFEX) Project at ILE, Osaka 30m
        Relatore: Hiroaki Nishimura (Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka Univ.)
      • 09:00
        Towards inertial fusion demonstration with less than 500 kJ lasers 30m
        Relatore: Stefano Atzeni (Univ. Roma "La Sapienza" and CNISM)
      • 09:30
        Experimental studies of fast ignition physics 20m
        Relatore: Jonathan Davies (GoLP, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico)
      • 09:50
        Experimental investigation of fast electron propagation in lasercompressed cylindrical targets 20m
        Relatore: Petra Koester (IPCF-CNR & INFN-Pisa, Italy)
      • 10:10
        Ion acceleration in sub-micron mass limited targets heated by ultra- intense and ultrahigh contrast laser pulses. 20m
        Relatore: Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna (Queen's Univ.)
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 10:50
        Single Molecule Laser Induced Nuclear Fusion, Linf, in Superintense Laser Fields 30m
        Relatore: Andre D. Bandrauk (Univ. Sherbrooke)
      • 11:20
        Laser generated Ion Beam Transport and Applications using PHELIX and Vulcan 20m
        Relatore: Markus Roth (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
      • 11:40
        Proton Radiography of a cylindrical Laser-Driven Implosions 20m
        Relatore: Rashida Jafer (Univ. Milano Bicocca)
    • 12:00 12:30
      Buffet Lunch 30m
    • 12:30 19:15
      Excursion to Villa Adriana (Tivoli) 6O 45m
    • 19:15 22:15
      Scientific Commettee Meeting 3O
    • 08:30 12:20
      Session 5 - Secondary Sources, Applications and Radioprotection Issues
      • 08:30
        The SPARC and SPARX project 30m
        New opportunities will be opened with the SPARX-Free electron laser (SPARX-FEL) source being currently in preparation in the framework of a collaboration among the major Italian research institutes (INFN;CNR,ENEA) and the University of Roma "Tor Vergata", founded by the ministry of research and the Regione Lazio and performed in strong partnership with many national and foreign universities. The project, a natural extension of the ongoing activities of the SPARC collaboration, is aiming at the realization of a new coherent light source covering the range of 0.6-40 nm with unprecedented features in terms of brilliance, coherence, pulse duration and intensity.
        Relatore: Luigi Palumbo (Univ. Roma La Sapienza & INFN-LNF)
      • 09:00
        All-Optical Compton Scattering Gamma-ray Source for Nuclear Material Evaluation 30m
        Relatore: Mitsuru Uesaka (University of Tokyo)
      • 09:30
        The FLAME Shielding design 30m
        Relatore: Adolfo Esposito (INFN - LNF)
      • 10:00
        High intensity laser-driven proton and electromagnetic wave sources from a thin-foil target 20m
        Relatore: Akito Sagisaka (Advanced Photon Research Center & Photo-Medical Research Center, JAEA)
      • 10:20
        Phase-contrast imaging of nanostructures with incoherent femtosecond laser driven soft X-ray source 20m
        Relatore: Sergei Gasilov (Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS)
      • 10:40
        Temporal and uxv spectral characterization of the betatron source. 20m
        Relatore: Romuald Fitour (LOA)
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 11:20
        High harmonic sources with extended cut-off 30m
        Relatore: Christian Spielmann (Friedrich Schiller Univ. Jena)
      • 11:50
        Laser Plasma Source for X-Ray imaging 30m
        Relatore: Maria Richetta (Univ. Roma “Tor Vergata”)
    • 12:20 15:00
      Poster Session II & Lunch 2O 40m
    • 15:00 17:20
      Session 6 - Attosecond Science
      • 15:00
        Intense attosecond pulses 30m
        Relatore: Dimitrios Charalambidis (FORTH-IESL)
      • 15:30
        Recent Progress on XUV and Attosecond Science at RIKEN 30m
        Relatore: Katsumi Midorikawa (RIKEN)
      • 16:00
        Attosecond pulse generation in laser interaction with solid targets 30m
        Relatore: George Tsakiris (Max-Planck-Institut)
      • 16:30
        Coherent XUV generation by an IR parametric source: a step towards attosecond pulses at 100 eV 30m
        Relatore: Salvatore Stagira (National Lab. for Ultrafast and Ultraintense Optical Science, CNR-INFM, Politecnico di Milano)
      • 17:00
        Coffee Break 20m
    • 17:20 18:45
      Panel 3 - Disc.
      • 17:20
        Title not available (K. YAMANOUCHI) 1O 25m
    • 20:30 22:30
      Social Dinner (Villa Tuscolana) 2O
    • 09:00 13:30
      Session 7 - Laser driven Particle Accelerators and their potential Issues
      • 09:00
        On the control of electron beam parameters with laser plasma accelerators 30m
        Relatore: Victor Malka (LOA)
      • 09:30
        Dynamics of Radiation Pressure Acceleration 30m
        Relatore: Andrea Macchi (CNR/INFM/polyLAB, Pisa)
      • 10:00
        All-optical Femtosecond Bunch Length Measurement of Laser-accelerated Electron Beams 20m
        Relatore: Alexander Debus (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.)
      • 10:20
        Comparison of laser-accelerated hot electron characteristics obtained using different diagnostics and confrontation to simulations 20m
        Relatore: Patrizio Antici (Institut Lumiere Extreme)
      • 10:40
        High energy electron beam generation in the regime of relativistic self-induced transparency 20m
        Relatore: Vadim Eremin (Institute of Applied Physics RAS)
      • 11:00
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 11:20
        Recent results on acceleration mechanisms and beam optimization of laser-driven proton beams 30m
        Beam optimization of laser-accelerated protons is a crucial point for the development of applications in various areas. Several directions need to be pursued, namely (i) ptimization of the high-energy end of the spectrum e.g. for dense lasma radiography, (ii) optimization of the low-energy end of the spectrum e.g. for isochoric heating of matter, (iii) enhancement of laser-to-protons conversion efficiency and reduction of divergence e.g. for fast ignition. We will present recent experimental results and simulations on these topics. New diagnostic capabilities open the way to precise time and space-resolved measurement of laseracceleration of protons [1]. We will show that high-energy protons in the TNSA regime could be enhanced using low-density plasmas [2] or reduced mass solid targets [3]. The laser-toprotons conversion efficiency is equally sensitive to laser and target parameters and can be increased using ultra-thin targets [4] or reduced mass solid targets [3]. Conversely, lowenergy protons are relatively independent of laser and target conditions. In addition, we will present some results in exploring radiation-pressure acceleration of ions using circularly polarized laser pulses. [1] P. Antici, J. Fuchs et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 105004 (2008). [2] P. Antici,, J. Fuchs, et al., New J. of Phys. 11, 023038 (2009). [3] S. Buffechoux et al., “Enhanced laser acceleration of protons from reduced mass targets”, submitted (2009). [4] P. Antici, J. Fuchs et al., IEEE Trans. On Plasma Sci. 36, 1817 - 1820 (2008).
        Relatore: Julien Fuchs
      • 11:50
        Efficient ultra-fast laser driven ion acceleration with transparent, dense and ultra-thin foils 20m
        Relatore: Sven Steinke (Max-Born Institute, Berlin)
      • 12:10
        GeV-level electron beam accelerated by OPCPA laser 30m
        Relatore: Efim Khazanov (Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Science)
      • 12:40
        Simulation of Particle Acceleration in the Plasmonx Experiment 30m
        Relatore: Carlo Benedetti (Univ. Bologna & INFN-Bologna)
      • 13:10
        Concluding Remarks 20m
    • 13:30 15:00
      Lunch 1O 30m