24–29 May 2009
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Review of strong-field interaction activities at c-FAST

25 May 2009, 15:30
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati (RM) - Italy


Karol Janulewicz (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology)

Primary authors

Dr Il Woo Choi (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Prof. Jongmin Lee (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) Karol Janulewicz (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr Nasr Hafz (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr Tae Jun Yu (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology)


Dr Chulmin Kim (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr Hyung Taek Kim (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr I Jong Kim (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr J. H. Sung (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr K. H. Pae (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr S. K. Lee (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology) Dr Tae Moon Jeong (Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Inst. of Science and Technology)

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