INDIGO-DataCloud Kick-off Meeting

105 (Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca)


Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
Davide Salomoni (CNAF), Giacinto Donvito (BA), Luciano Gaido (TO)
INDIGO-DataCloud Kick-off Meeting

The INDIGO-DataCloud kickoff meeting, hosted by INFN, will take place in Bologna (Italy) on 22-24 April, 2015 at the CNR Conference Center, located in via Gobetti 101, Bologna.

This kick-off meeting will be the first opportunity for the INDIGO community to meet, start planning the project activities for the coming years, and present the INDIGO initiative to a wider scientific audience.

The programme consists of plenary and parallel sessions. Plenary sessions will be focused on presenting the overall project, i.e. the consortium, the main goals and activities, while in the parallel sessions the Work Packages structure, organization and technical activities will be presented and discussed with the involved participants.

An important part of the meeting will be devoted to start up the boards foreseen for the management of the project, in particular the Collaboration Board and the Project Management Board.  

On the first day, the kick-off meeting will also be the event where some user communities not directly involved in the project will have the opportunity to understand how INDIGO-DataCloud could be beneficial to them and  to provide requirements and use cases which will be instrumental to drive the development activities of the project.

Please note that registration is free of charge, but mandatory (use the registration form on the left, deadline on April 20).

It will be possible to follow the plenary sessions through the streaming service available at

Note: the Conference4me smartphone app provides you with the most comfortable tool for planning your participation to the INDIGO-DataCloud kickoff meeting. Browse the complete programme directly from your phone or tablet and create your very own agenda on the fly. The app is available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Kindle Fire devices.
To download the mobile app, please visit or type 'conference4me' in Google Play, iTunes App Store, Windows Phone Store or Amazon Appstore.
More information can be found on
  • Alessandra Lombardo
  • Alessandra Marchesi
  • Alessandro Costantini
  • Alessandro Italiano
  • Alexandre Bonvin
  • Alfonso Rios
  • Alvaro Lopez Garcia
  • Alvise Dorigo
  • Andrea Ceccanti
  • Andrea Chierici
  • Antonio Rosato
  • Antonio Zoccoli
  • Barbara Martelli
  • Claudio Grandi
  • Cristina Knapic
  • Daniela Mercurio
  • Dante Bonino
  • Dario Menasce
  • Davide Salomoni
  • Doina Cristina Aiftimiei
  • Domenico Diacono
  • Donatella Lucchesi
  • Elisabetta Ronchieri
  • Emidio Maria Giorgio
  • Enrico Fattibene
  • Enrico Vianello
  • Fabrizio Gagliardi
  • Federica Fanzago
  • Federico Zambelli
  • Fernando Aguilar Gómez
  • Francesco Cepparo
  • Francisco Javier Nieto
  • František Dvořák
  • Gaetano Maron
  • Germán Moltó
  • Giacinto Donvito
  • Giovanni Erbacci
  • Giulia Grandi
  • Giuseppe Fiameni
  • Giuseppe Profiti
  • Ian Collier
  • Isabel Campos
  • Jesus Marco de Lucas
  • Jordi Paraire
  • Jorge Edgar Valderrama Romero
  • Jorge Gomes
  • Jos van Wezel
  • Julien Carpentier
  • Jurry de la Mar
  • Karolj Skala
  • Kaspar Duetting
  • L. Angelo Antonelli
  • Lionel Schwarz
  • Lisa Zangrando
  • Luciano Gaido
  • Lucio Badiali
  • Ludek Matyska
  • Maciej Brzezniak
  • Manuela Sbarra
  • Marcin Plociennik
  • Marco Fargetta
  • Marco Verlato
  • Marcus Hardt
  • Marica Antonacci
  • Mario David
  • Massimiliano Rossi
  • Mauro Mezzetto
  • Michele Michelotto
  • Miguel Caballer
  • Milos Mulac
  • Pablo Orviz
  • Paolo Andreetto
  • Paolo Favali
  • Patricia Bueno
  • Patrick Fuhrmann
  • Pavel Vondruška
  • Peter Solagna
  • Pierre-Francois Honore
  • Radosław Januszewski
  • Ricardo Brito Da Rocha
  • Riccardo BRUNO
  • Roberto Barbera
  • Sandro Fiore
  • Sara Di Giorgio
  • Sara Vallero
  • Silvana Muscella
  • Stefano Bagnasco
  • Stefano Bussolino
  • Stefano Dal Pra
  • Stefano Zani
  • Stuart Pullinger
  • Thomas Wetzler
  • Tim Bell
  • Tomasz Szepieniec
  • Tommaso Boccali
  • Vania Boccia
  • Zdeněk Šustr
    • Introduction 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
      • 1
        Introduction to the kick-off meeting and logistics
        Relatore: Davide Salomoni (CNAF)
      • 2
        Welcome from INFN Management
        Relatore: Prof. Antonio Zoccoli (INFN)
      • 3
        INDIGO-DataCloud: introduction
        Relatore: Davide Salomoni (CNAF)
      • 4
        The APRE (Italian national contact point) vision for the H2020 E-INFRA calls
        Relatore: Dr. Daniela Mercurio (RICH)
      • 5
        INDIGO User Community involvement
        Relatore: Prof. Jesus MARCO DE LUCAS (IFCA CSIC)
      • 6
        INDIGO: Technical Overview
        Relatore: Giacinto Donvito (BA)
      • 7
        INDIGO: The Consortium
        Relatore: Luciano Gaido (TO)
    • 16:45
      Coffe Break 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

    • User Comunity 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
      • 8
        EGI-Engage and the EGI ecosystem
        Relatore: Peter Solagna (
      • 9
        INAF use cases: from Astronomical Archives and analysis to big projects like SKA and CTA
        Relatori: Dr. Angelo Antonelli (INAF), Dr. Cristina Knapic (INAF)
      • 10
        The CINECA's infrastructure and the EUDAT and PRACE initiatives
        Relatore: Dr. Giuseppe Fiameni
      • 11
        INDIGO: an opportunity for ELIXIR-ITALY to develop services on a solid and open cloud software platform
        Relatore: Dr. Giuseppe Profitti (CNR)
    • 18:25
      Welcome cocktail 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
    • Description of the Consortium Agreement, including project governance 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
      Coordinatore: Davide Salomoni (CNAF)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
    • WP2 Parallel Session 213 (Centro Congressi - CNR Area delle Ricerca)


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area delle Ricerca

      • 12
        WP2 Technical Overview and main topic of interest
        Relatore: Marco Jesus
      • 13
        WP2 Partners presents itself
        One representant for each partner, with the aims of describing the use-case that the community will bring into INDIGO -- 8” each
      • 14
        WP2 organization of works
        Relatore: Peter Solagna (INFN)
    • WP3 Parallel Session 215


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      • 15
        WP3 Technical Overview and main foreseen tasks
        Relatore: Jorge Gomes
      • 16
        WP3 Partners presents itself
        One representant for each partner, with the aims of describing the experience of the partner in the topics of interest for WP3 -- 8” each
      • 17
        WP3 organization of activities
        Relatore: Zdenek Sustr
    • WP4 Parallel Session 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      • 18
        WP4 Technical Overview and main topics of interest
        Relatore: Patrick Fuhrmann
      • 19
        WP4 Partners present themselves
        One representative for each partner, describing the interests and experience of the partner in the WP4 activities -- 10” each
      • 20
        WP4 organization of activities
        Relatore: Marcus Hardt
    • WP5 Parallel Session 216


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      • 21
        WP5 Technical Overview and main topics of interest
        Relatore: Giacinto Donvito (BA)
      • 22
        WP5 Partners present themselves
        One representative for each partner, describing the interests and experience of the partner in the WP5 activities -- 8” each
      • 23
        WP5 organization of activities
        Relatore: Łukasz Dutka
    • WP6 Parallel Session 214


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

    • 13:00
      Lunch 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
    • WP parallel session summary 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
      • 27
        WP2 Summary and next steps
        Relatore: Dr. Jesus Marco de Lucas (CSIC)
      • 28
        WP3 Summary and next steps
        Relatore: Jorge Gomes (LIP)
      • 29
        WP4 Summary and next steps
        Relatore: Dr. Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY)
      • 30
        WP5 Summary and next steps
        Relatore: Giacinto Donvito (BA)
      • 31
        WP6 Summary and next steps
        Relatore: Marcin Plociennik (PSNC)
      • 32
        Technical discussion about WP interaction
        Relatore: Dr. Isabel Campos (IFCA-CSIC)
    • 15:30
      Coffee Break 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
    • PaaS Core 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Coordinatore: Giacinto Donvito (BA)
      • 33
        PaaS issues and architecture
        Relatore: Giacinto Donvito (BA)
    • Storage access and interfaces 215


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Coordinatore: Sig. Lukasz Dutka
      • 34
        Storage access and interfaces
        Relatore: Lukasz Dutka
    • AAI Session 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
      • 35
        Identity and access management in WP5
        Relatore: Andrea Ceccanti (CNAF)
      • 36
        Identity and access management in WP4
        Relatore: Marcus Hardt
    • WP1 Session 213


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
    • Collaboration Board Meeting (Closed) 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      1) Grant Agreement status
      2) Consortium Agreement Status
      3) Election of the Collaboration Board chair (for the first 12 months)
      4) Appointment of the Work Package managers and deputies and start up of the Project Management Board
      5) Definition of the process to set up the External Advisory Board and the Innovation Board
      6) AoB

    • PMB Meeting (Closed) 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy

      Agenda items TBD but see Consortium Agreement: election of the TB

    • 10:30
      Coffee Break 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
    • Plenary sessions 105


      Centro Congressi - CNR Area della Ricerca

      Via Gobetti, 101 Bologna Italy
      • 37
        PaaS Core Summary
        Relatore: Giacinto Donvito (BA)
      • 38
        Storage access and interfaces summary
        Relatore: Dr. Lukasz Dutka (CYFRONET)
      • 39
        AAI Session Summary
        Relatori: Andrea Ceccanti (CNAF), Dr. Marcus Hardt (KIT)
      • 40
        Technical discussion about WP interaction
        Relatore: Isabel Campos (CSIC)
      • 41
        Boards Summary and discussion on Technical Board
        Relatore: Isabel Campos (CSIC)
      • 42
        Relatore: Davide Salomoni (CNAF)