Event-by-event fluctuations in the initial geometry of the system created in nucleus-nucleus collisions are very large and affect both
the shape and the size of the initial fireball [1]: events with a similar
system size can develop different flow patterns during the collective
A precise characterization of these events will give access to finer
and more differential correlation measurements, with the potential to
further constrain models of initial conditions and transport coefficients
of the medium.
The ellipticity of the events can be selected using the Event Shape
Engineering (ESE) technique [2]. Recent Monte-Carlo simulations [3]
show a strong correlation between the (final state) event shape selection
and the (initial state) eccentricity of the collision. This opens the
opportunity to characterize events according to the initial geometry.
Recent results from the ALICE [4, 5] and ATLAS [6] collaborations
will be presented. The future perspectives for event shape dependent
measurement will be also discussed.
It will be interesting to discuss to which extent the differential ESE
measurements can constrain quantitatively the transport coefficients
of the medium and the fluctuations patterns in the initial conditions.
[1] Bozek P.et al. 2012 Phys. Rev. C 85 044910
[2] Schukraft J. et al. 2013 Phys. Lett. B 719 394–981
[3] Huo P. et al. 2014 Phys. Rev. C 90 024910
[4] Dobrin A. 2013 Nucl. Phys. A 904–905 455c-458c
[5] Milano L. 2013 Nucl. Phys. A 904–905 531c-534c
[6] ATLAS Collaboration, arXiv:1504.01289v[hep-ex]
Primary author