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19–29 Oct 2015
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome timezone

Calorimeters (lecture 1 and lecture 2)

20 Oct 2015, 11:30
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati


Prof. Erika Garutti (DESY)


The theoretical lectures on calorimeters will review the principle of Calorimetry and the main techniques used in present and future HEP experiments. A special emphasis will be given to highly granular calorimeters, which are the technology of choice for particle flow applications in HEP, but are also representative of the current R&D in the field of positron emission tomography. The following points will be addressed in the lectures: • Signal generating mechanisms • Signal detection options (with emphasis to the solutions presented in the laboratory courses, i.e. scintillator material coupled to a Si-based photodetector) • Sampling vs homogeneous calorimeters • The signal from sampling and longitudinally segmented calorimeters • Composition of a shower and its space/time evolution • Linearity and calibration for sampling and longitudinally segmented calorimeters • e/h and its impact on hadronic energy resolution, response function, signal linearity • Particle reconstruction and identification in a calorimeter • The particle flow concept • Calorimeters for medicine (a glimpse… )

Primary author

Prof. Erika Garutti (DESY)

Presentation materials