Sep 14 – 16, 2015
Castello Angioino, Gallipoli, ITALY
Europe/Rome timezone

Stability of the electoroweak vacuum (Universe) and Cosmic Rays

Sep 15, 2015, 1:00 PM
Castello Angioino, Gallipoli, ITALY

Castello Angioino, Gallipoli, ITALY

Interplay between LHC and UHECR physics Interplay between LHC and UHECR physics


Vincenzo Branchina (CT)


The analysis of the stability condition of the electroweak vacuum (and then of our Universe as a whole) is of the greatest importance for our understanding of physics beyond the Standard Model. The possibility that cosmic rays could destabilize the present state of our Universe, and that the cosmic ray induced vacuum decay could be faster than the spontaneous decay has been investigated in the past. It has been recently shown that, contrary to previous expectations, new physics that live at very high energy scales can have a great impact on the stability condition of the Universe. The role of cosmic rays on the stability issue will be considered in the light of these recent results.

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