Jul 28 – 31, 2014
Scuola di Architettura Siracusa
Europe/Rome timezone

Travel tips and touristic actractions

Catania International Airport “Fontanarossa” is a major airport in Italy and it has connections with many hubs in Italy and in Europe. Many low cost companies offer good services from main airports in Europe. It is located close to the city center of Catania. Its web site is available in English at http://www.aeroporto.catania.it/?lang=eng. If you follow the link “Transports” you can get a general overview of the public transportation system from/to the airport to Catania downtown and to the rest of Sicily. Note that the most common public transportation modality in Sicily is BUS not TRAIN as main railroads only go around Sicily and not through Sicily so that the travel time can be quite long. Please take into account that bus timetable are subject to modifications owing to heavy traffic conditions at specific times.

Connections from Catania Airport to Siracusa are provided by Etna Trasporti SpA whose web site is available (in italian or google-translated) at www.etnatrasporti.it. PLEASE CONSIDER THAT THE LAST BUS TO SIRACUSA LEAVES THE AIRPORT AT 20:40. If you arrive at Catania Airport later than that time, please let us know in advance and consider spending one night in hotels close to the airport or in downtown Catania.

Transportation by taxis to Catania city center is available but can be quite expensive (20-30 Euros) while the special bus by the metropolitan bus company AMT (www.amt.ct.it) “ALIBUS” (from 5:00 to 24:00 each 20 minutes) goes directly to downtown Catania at city fares (1 Euro or little more, depending on the particular fare type).

Touristic actractions

Siracusa, Catania and Sicily in general offer a wide variety of touristic attractions during summer period, from various kind of festivals to modern and classical music concert, ballets and opera performances. E.g., on July 26, the famous “Aida” opera by Verdi will be on scene at the Greek theater in Siracusa.

You can find interesting tips visiting http://www.italia.it/en/discover-italy/sicily.html and on the regional government web site http://www.regione.sicilia.it/turismo/web_turismo/