Session 10 - Clinical MR-PET
- Heinz H. Coenen (Research Centre Juelich)
Yiping Shao
(University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
20/05/2015, 08:30
1 - Advances in MR-PET instrumentation: detectors
It is critically needed yet challenging to develop compact PET detectors with high sensitivity and uniform, high imaging resolution for improving the performance of simultaneous PET/MR imaging, particularly for an integrated/inserted small-bore system. Using latest “edge-less” SiPM arrays for DOI measurement using the design of dual-ended-scintillator readout, we developed several compact PET...
Andrei Iagaru
(Stanford University)
20/05/2015, 08:50
7 - Clinical MR-PET
Introduction: Here we prospectively compared the combined 18F NaF/18F FDG PET/ MRI against 99mTc-MDP in patients with breast and prostate cancers.
Methods: Twelve patients referred for 99mTc-MDP bone scans were prospectively enrolled from Oct 14 - Jan 15. The cohort included 6 men with prostate cancer and 6 women with breast cancer, 41 – 85 year-old (average 63 ± 15). 18F NaF (0.7-2.2 mCi,...
Marjorie Villien
20/05/2015, 09:10
7 - Clinical MR-PET
Aim :
Brain mapping of task-associated changes in metabolism with PET has been accomplished by subtracting scans acquired during two distinct static states [1]. We have demonstrated that PET can provide truly dynamic information on cerebral energy metabolism using constant infusion of FDG and multiple stimuli in a single experiment [2]. We demonstrate here that the functional PET (fPET-FDG)...
Jan Petr
(Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf, PET Center, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research)
20/05/2015, 09:30
7 - Clinical MR-PET
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is an MR technique for assessment of cerebral blood flow (CBF) that does not require use of contrast agents which makes it a less invasive alternative to the 15O-H2O-PET measurement. The repeatability of ASL has been studied extensively but mainly in young healthy volunteers. We have tested repeatability of ASL under realistic clinical conditions in elderly brain...
Jaewon Yang
20/05/2015, 09:50
7 - Clinical MR-PET
An atlas-CT-based bone-anatomy compensation for MR-based attenuation correction (MRAC) in brain PET/MRI imaging is a current standard. However, the impact of an anatomical difference has not been clinically evaluated. Thus, we aim to evaluate the impact of the anatomical dissimilarity on MRAC. Whole-body FDG-PET/CT followed by PET/MRI were performed for twelve patients in an integrated TOF...
Simultaneous Acquisition of Dynamic PET-MRI: Arterial Input Function Using DSC-MRI and [18F]-FET
Liliana Caldeira
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
20/05/2015, 10:10
7 - Clinical MR-PET
Aim: This work focuses on the study of simultaneous dynamic MR-PET acquisition in brain tumour patients. MR-based perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) and PET [18F]-FET are dynamic methods, which allow to evaluate tumour metabolism in a quantitative way. In both methods, arterial input function (AIF) is necessary for quantification. However, the AIF estimation is a challenging task. In this work,...