GPU in Offline, Montecarlo and Analysis (1/3)
- Soon Yung Jun (Fermilab)
Junichi Kanzaki
9/10/14, 11:35 AM
We use a graphics processing unit (GPU) for fast event generation of general Standard Model (SM) processes.
The event generation system on GPU is developed based on the Monte Carlo integration and generation program BASES/SPRING in FORTRAN.
For computations of cross sections of physics processes all SM interactions are included in the helicity amplitude computation package on GPU (HEGET) and...
Johannes de Fine Licht
9/10/14, 12:05 PM
The Geant-Vector prototype is an effort to address the demand for increased performance in HEP experiment simulation software. By reorganizing particle transport towards a vector-centric data layout, the projects aims for efficient use of SIMD instructions on modern CPUs, as well as co-processors such as GPUs and Xeon Phi.
The geometry is an important part of particle transport, consuming a...
(Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (IN2P3/CNRS))
9/10/14, 12:35 PM
Multidimensional integration based on Monte-Carlo (MC) techniques are widely
used in High Energy Physics (HEP) and numerous other computing domains. In HEP, they naturally arise from the multidimensional probability densities or from the likelihoods often present in the analysis.
Today HPC programming requires dealing with computing accelerators
like GPGPU or 'many-core' processors, but...