Attilio Cucchieri
(University of São Paulo)
9/11/14, 12:15 PM
The study of Green's functions in Yang-Mills theory in
minimal Landau gauge (MLG) may offer crucial insights
for the understanding of quark confinement in quantum
chromodynamics. In MLG, the functional integral over
gauge-field configurations is restricted to the set of
transverse configurations for which the so-called
Faddeev-Popov (FP) matrix is positive definite. Thus,
this matrix...
Andrea Messina
Gianluca Lamanna
Massimiliano Fiorini
9/11/14, 12:15 PM
Ludovico Bianchi
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
9/11/14, 12:15 PM
PANDA (AntiProton Annihilation at Darmstadt) is a new hadron physics experiment currently under construction at FAIR, Darmstadt. PANDA will analyze reactions of antiprotons at 1.5 to 15 GeV/c momentum with protons and other heavier nuclei.
In this energy region, signal and background events have similar signatures, rendering a conventional hardware-level trigger unfeasible. PANDA will instead...
Dmitry Chirkin
(UW-Madison, U.S.A.)
9/11/14, 12:15 PM
Describing propagation of a large number of photons in a transparent medium is a computational problem of a highly parallel nature. All of the simulated photons go through the same stages: they are emitted, they may scatter a few times, and they get absorbed. These steps, when performed in parallel on a large number of photons, can be done very efficiently on a GPU. The IceCube collaboration...
Natalia Kolomoyets
(Dnepropetrovsk National University)
9/11/14, 12:15 PM
The vacuum structure of lattice SU(N) gluodynamics in presence of external chromomagnetic field is studied with open source package QCDGPU. The package is adapted to investigate vacuum thermodynamics at non-zero chromomagnetic field both at zero and finite temperatures. In particular, the QCDGPU package allows to explore such an important problem as spontaneous chromomagnetic field generation...