10–15 Sept 2014
Primošten (Croatia)
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Large impact parameter behaviour and CGC/saturation approach: the BFKL equation with massive gluon

14 Sept 2014, 18:00
Primošten (Croatia)

Primošten (Croatia)

<a href="http://www.hotelzora-adriatiq.com/en/hotel-zora" target="blank" color="white">(HOTEL ZORA)</a>
Saturation Saturation


Prof. Eugene Levin (Tel Aviv University/UTFSM)


I will discuss the solution to the BFKL equation with massive gluon.Such equation arises in the electro-weak theory with the zero Weinberg angle . However, for us, the gauge invariant theory with the Higgs mechanism for the creation of mass gives the instructive example of the theory in which has correct large impact parameter behaviour. The spectrum of this equation which coincide with the spectrum of massless BFKL equation will be discussed as well as the expected asymptotical behaviour of the scattering amplitude.

Primary author

Prof. Eugene Levin (Tel Aviv University/UTFSM)

Presentation materials