Programma scientifico

This project management course is designed to provide participants with solid foundations on the concepts, tools and techniques of formal project management. A particular insight will be given on the management of projects of a scientific nature.

The goal of this 4-day Project Management course consists of providing a comprehensive introduction to the essential aspects of project management. The objective is to give the participants a good understanding of the possibilities and relevance of project management in relation to the particular needs of their projects.

The training module is also designed to highlight the role of project managers throughout project lifecycles. This covers project initiation, scoping, costing, planning, resourcing, executing, controlling and closing. As for all management domains, project management has boundaries; these will also be presented in order to avoid an inefficient use of project management. This training module also refers to major project management and system engineering standards and methodologies.

The course will be a mixture of interactive lectures, in which discussion and the sharing of ideas will be encouraged, and of many practical examples and exercises.
Days 1 and 2 will be dedicated to learn the basis of project management and acquire methods for project planning end execution in addition to guidance for project organization, communication, documentation and management.
Day 3 of the course will be dedicated to Project Quality Management. This day will provide participants with the means to develop a quality framework suited to the challenges of their projects. A particular attention will be paid to verification and validation processes, and project configuration management.
Day 4 of the course will be dedicated to Project Risk Management. By nature projects involve some uncertainty, especially in the field of scientific projects. This one-day course will provide participants means to manage the risks and uncertainties of projects. Particular attention will be paid to responsibility sharing.

The first 2-days of the course will end with a lecture describing the project management practices and controls that were implemented during the installation of the Large Hadron Collider main ring at CERN. Particular attention will be given to sharing the lessons learned from the CERN’s LHC project.

Prof. P. Bonnal is a senior project engineer, section leader of Quality and Organizational Process in the Engineering Department at CERN, involved in providing project management support and advice on projects at CERN. During his professional carrier at CERN, he was particularly and importantly involved in the LHC Project management. He is also a senior lecturer in project management and R&D management at master and MBA levels for Swiss and German Universities. He is former president of the Swiss Project Management Association.

L. Lari is a senior project planning manager and an applied physicist (PhD) working at ESS, Sweden. At the time of LHC installation, she worked at CERN in charge of the definition of the installation schedule, as a member of the planning section. Since 2008, she is a certified PMP by the Project Management Institute (PMI), USA.