S3: X-Rays/Neutrons/Atoms Channeling
- Luigi Allocca (Istituto Motori - C.N.R.)
Session 3.1
peter Wobrauschek
(Atominstitut TU WIEN)
07/10/2014, 09:00
Invited talk
X-ray optics are powerful and effective tools to focus x-rays into small spots ranging from several 100 µm to world records of a few nm. The demand to reach such dimensions is the interest to have an extreme spatial resolution and getting information about elemental distribution, chemical state, morphology of a sample. The classical x-ray optical components are Fresnel lenses, compound...
Robert Avakian
(A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute), Brothers Alikhanians, 2, Yerevan, 0036, Armenia)
07/10/2014, 09:30
The final goal of the proposed Project is the creation of a Complex of Accelerator Facilities at the Yerevan Physics Institute (CAF YerPhI) for nuclear physics basic researches, as well as for applied programs including Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) and radiation therapy with proton and carbon beams. The CAF will include the following facilities: Cyclotron C70, target/ion source,...
Didier Mazon
(CEA Cadarache)
07/10/2014, 09:45
In Tokamaks, plasma emits as a volumetric Soft-X-Ray (SXR) source and can give very useful information about plasma stability, shape and impurity content. Measuring the SXR radiation ([0.1 keV; 20 keV]) of magnetic fusion plasmas is a standard way of accessing
valuable information on particle transport and MagnetoHydroDynamic (MHD).Unfortunately, the strong constraints imposed by the...
Yasushi Hayakawa
(Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University)
07/10/2014, 10:00
To demonstrate the element-sensitive computed tomography (CT), CT scanning experiments were carried out for several specimens containing strontium using a parametric X-ray (PXR) beam having energies near the Sr K-shell edge of 16.1keV. The three-dimensional distributions of Sr were successfully obtained from the difference between the CT images taken on opposite sides of the absorption edge....
Kouichi Tsuji
(Osaka City University)
07/10/2014, 10:15
A projection type XRF imaging has been studied. We have developed WD-XRF imaging spectrometer using WDS spectrometer, a straight polycapillary optics, and x-ray CCD camera. The advantage of WD-XRS is a high energy-resolution, approximately 40 eV. The problem of the present polycapillary optics will be discussed regarding spatial resolution. Similarly to WD-XRF imaging, XRD imaging spectrometer...
Luca Marchitto
(Istituto Motori - CNR)
07/10/2014, 10:45
This work reports the results of a X-ray µ-tomography for investigating the inner structure of high pressure fuel sprays. X-ray imaging is widely used in a multitude of industrial applications where non-destructive tests are required for high accuracy measurements of samples morphology. Synchrotron X-ray source is generally used for fuel sprays investigation because its high flux radiation can...