Oct 5 – 10, 2014
Capri-Naples, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Element-Sensitive Computed Tomography by Fine Tuning of PXR-Based X-ray Source

Oct 7, 2014, 10:00 AM


Dr Yasushi Hayakawa (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University)


To demonstrate the element-sensitive computed tomography (CT), CT scanning experiments were carried out for several specimens containing strontium using a parametric X-ray (PXR) beam having energies near the Sr K-shell edge of 16.1keV. The three-dimensional distributions of Sr were successfully obtained from the difference between the CT images taken on opposite sides of the absorption edge. The result suggests that the measurement method is effective for elemental analysis of considerably thick samples and could be a method complementary to X-ray fluorescence analysis.

Primary author

Dr Yasushi Hayakawa (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University)


Prof. Isamu SATO (Advanced Research Institute for the Sciences and Humanities, Nihon University) Dr Keisuke NAKAO (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University) Prof. Ken HAYAKAWA (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University) Dr Kyoko NOGAMI (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University) Dr Manabu INAGAKI (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University) Prof. Takashi KANEDA (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo) Dr Takeshi SAKAI (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University) Prof. Toshinari TANAKA (Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA), Nihon University) Prof. Toshiro SAKAE (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo) Dr Yumiko TAKAHASHI (Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK-PF))

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