18–24 May 2014
Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

GRB observations with Fermi

22 May 2014, 11:00
Therasia Resort, Conference Room (Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy)

Therasia Resort, Conference Room

Vulcano Island, Sicily, Italy


Francesco Longo (TS)


After almost 6 years of science operation, the Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope has detected more than 70 Gamma-Ray Bursts above 30 MeV. We will give an overview of these observations, focusing on the recently published first LAT GRB catalog (based on the first 3 years of operation), and presenting the common properties in the GRB temporal and spectral behavior at high energies. We will also highlight the unique characteristics of some individual bursts. The main physical implications of these results will be discussed, along with open questions regarding GRB modelling in their prompt and temporally-extended emission phases.

Primary author

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