Dear Participants and Speakers to QCD@Work 2014,
Here are the instructions before your arrival to Giovinazzo.
- For participants living at the Hotel Riva del Sole, a shuttle service from/to the Bari-Palese airport will be provided by the Hotel Reception upon request, communicating in due advance the travel details (date, time, number of flight). To make the organization easier, please send by e.mail such travel details also to the organizers. The address of the workshop venue is: Hotel Riva del Sole, Strada Statale 16 Km. 787+225 - 70054 Giovinazzo (Bari). The distance from the airport is about 10km, 15min by taxi.
- Participants arriving on Sunday 15th can register at the workshop venue, where a registration and information desk will be operative from 4 to 8 pm of June 15th. In the other days, the scientific secretariat will be operative during all the day. For those who have not yet provided to the payment of the workshop fee, it will be possible to pay cash (in Euro) at the registration desk.
- Speakers should send us in due advance (by e.mail) the file of their presentation, or indicate us where to upload the file somewhere in the web. The recommended format of the file of the presentations is pdf. We shall use a single laptop for all the presentations of a session, the use of other laptops during the sessions will not be allowed.
- The timetable is available at the web page of the workshop. The time allotted to each talk includes the question/discussion time at the end.
- Posters will be displayed already on Monday 16th.
- The three working lunches of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are included in the fee of the registered participants.
Useful phone numbers, to contact us in case of difficulties:
- Hotel Riva del Sole: +39 080 3943166
- P. Colangelo: